Thursday, December 31, 2009

end of '09!

Judging by last year's NYE blog, it's safe to say I've grown up just a liiiiittle bit more HAHA :D

No fireworks for me this year, as if the 38 degrees wasn't enough it's also gonna be thunderstorming at night...but I hope my friends are gonna have fun cos last year involved playing cards and eating KFC til the midnight fireworks started =__= yay new year! ahahah

Not gonna do the resolution thing, but I do need to finish reading 3 books, holiday homework, write a song and arrange instrumental all in the next month....THIS IS SUPPOSED TO BE A HOLIDAY!!

I think I'll do a Stephen and reflect a bit (bonus convenient linkage)... I feel all happy inside now :D WHAT A GREAT YEAR HEY!! Nothing interesting happened in March and April (can't have a year without a bit of boring), July onwards was absolutely the best 6 months ever! Bring on house chorals, final house aths, year 12 formal, a billion 18th parties, midyear exams, annual concert, jazz soiree, revue (if it hasn't been cancelled on us...), muckup week, end of year exams, valedictory, schoolies!, results day, TRAVELLING THE ENTIRE FRICKEN WORLD (hi Linda...coming to crash your place/Annette's)!!!!!!


Wednesday, December 30, 2009

rye dec '09






Monday, December 21, 2009

got all my year 12 books today

...I told myself I would be productive today, and so far I have almost finished arranging the cello part for chorals instrumental

PSHH "arranging"...more like copying out the bass line from the piano score HAHAHA

I HAVE to accomplish something pretty soon, or these holidays are gonna disappear before I know it :( and then comes the final year................................

Well so far I know I get to look forward to Susan's Christmas party! Yay for an all-day baking session :D I'm not so sure it's gonna be a successful outcome given my track-record with dessert baking, but here's what's on the menu

- Apple Sauce and Cranberry Gravy for the turkey (her mum's handling the turkey, thank god)

something for everyone!


Sunday, December 20, 2009




Wednesday, December 16, 2009

brighton beach

with Erika, Amanda, Min, Sam, Steph, Mike, Jackie, Min's nameless dog...

good times! 40 degrees isn't so bad when you're in the water...but it's pretty bad when sunscreen doesn't seem to work :(


Monday, December 14, 2009

crazy day :D

Mum jumped on me at 7am demanding to know if I got my SMS with VCE results...then my phone went off a second later

so proud, I got a 49!

Problem is, I feel like I'm not allowed to be proud because now nobody wants to tell me their result for subjects I don't even do. Is there some kinda study score etiquette that I'm not aware of?? It's not like they did badly, they just don't tell anyone at all =/ oops? I dont get it T___T

Met up with Corrinne and Bhavisha from my old school today :D I was gearing myself up for an awkward hangout but it was so fun and we just talked for 3 hours over Gloria Jeans and sushi...reminscing about the old days when vce didn't exist :) and wondering what the hell happened to x y and z etc...............


Sunday, December 13, 2009