Sorry for the insane excitement HAHA...on the day of the formal, I was pretty much zoning out of all my classes until we were allowed to go home :P Leah came home with me, we bummed around for hours and hours because we weren't going out to get our hair and makeup done
-skip until 5pm-
Amanda came, and her mum did my nails! Forgot to take a photo of them but I've cut my nails now :( Basically just a French manicure with some nail art...really pretty! Amanda fully looked like a princess with her tiara, updo and longgg purple dress, omgosh :D People started rolling into my house, including little Belle :D Erika looked same as usual cos she's always gorgeous and didn't wear more makeup than she usually does, just some false eyelashes. Lisa came in and her makeup was AMAZING! Professional really makes a difference haha, she was like pearly and glowy...Benny also came all suited up and matching Erika's dress :) Trust Min to not get there til the last minute......
We ate some finger food (or toothpick food because my mum is so asian) and took some photos...cbf posting them all up but here's a group shot
Guess how many different types of asians are there...hahaha
And Belle, of course
Leonda was beautiful...shame we got the smaller room because Uni High were in the Ballroom, but we clearly caught their attention anyway ;P Bouncers checked our clutches and we spent the next few hours trying to figure out if this particular bouncer was a man or woman (Mrs Price told the bouncer she/he was in the wrong bathroom when she/he walked into the girl's bathroom....HAHAHA I THINK SHE WAS ACTUALLY A CHICK!). Lots of hello's/omgyoulookbeautiful/omgiloveyourdress/omgiloveyourshoes/airkissing with people I barely speak to at school, but it was so awesome to see everyone looking so fabulousss! Completely didn't recognise a few of them...who knew some of the people in our year level were that HOT hahahaha
Camwhored, had an entree, took the year level photo (the smell of BO and fake tan is revolting)...
...queued up for our own professional photos etc...AND OHHH THE DANCING!! My feet STILL hurt from all that dancing! It was seriously awkward when the international student's dates tried to like...shimmy up to us and dance...and then I dunno, I just kinda walk off LOL (all the asian guys look EXACTLY THE SAME OMFG)
Some more good photos with people (ie before I danced my makeup off)...
Tra...looking seriously different!
Token shot with the principal
One of my fave photos...! Floor length representtt haha (except I think we're missing 1)
The nutbush completely killed my feet but I trooped on and tried to make Leah dance (btw Leah aren't you glad you came?? yayy), and all of a sudden the night was over :O The last song was very anticlimax though - Girls just wanna have fun. SERIOUSLY?!
Hobbled to the car and back (and back to the car again) to give Lisa's and Min's stuff back so that they could go clubbing (which they didn't do - TOLD YOU SO LOL, nah but late night karaoke sounds pretty fun haha), whilst Irene&Amanda came back to my place...we were still pretty much wide awake so we camwhored a bit and removed alllllll the makeup and undid their hair - HILARIOUS
Amanda's hair before
Irene's hair before

HAHAHA the both of them used probably 100+ bobby pins between irene had a hairnet under that mess as well :P
We watched Baby Mama whilst Irene fell asleep (and snored)...good movie :D demolished the popcorn, gossiped and slept at like 4am. Woke up at 8:30 and lay in bed for aaaages until we forced ourselves to get up and eat brekky - jumped onto facebook straight afterwards LOL
Mass photo uploading/tagging and stalking other people's photos...........AND YUP that's about it :D looking forward to the St Kev's one now that I've experienced a formal :) look outtttt haha
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