Going to Rye this time round was 10x more fun than with Annette&fam :D Even though we spent a shorter time there, it felt long enough because my body is completely worn out from head to toe thanks to the dads and their extreme love for exercise x___x

We left before lunch on Thursday after a bit of trouble with getting the bikes to stay on the rack...so if there was anyone driving along Eastlink who saw a bike that was hanging vertically on a horizontal bike rack THAT WAS US HAHA!! The bikes came into use straightaway, we went for a ride along the Point Nepean trail up to the old army base. The uphills KILLED my legs but luckily (or unluckily) Susan's bike broke, so we took a break at the Harold Holt memorial lookout. I got off the bike and my legs were 200% jelly, it was horrible...and once the bike was fixed WOOHOO MORE HILLS =____= All it meant was that coming back would all be downhill, which was AWESOME except for the fact that I was going waaay too fast...and when you go downhill, all the pressure is on the handlebars, so I (being a genius and all) let go of one hand coz my face was itchy...and completey stacked it x___x I didn't make anything bleed though, just tripped on my handlebars and bruised my knees

Spent the rest of the night playing Cluedo (which my dad is now OBSESSED with), watching dvd's and Heroes :D Also went for a walk at sunset...
(click last one for a bigger size - there's a star :D)
On the second day, our dad's had the bright idea of going for a bushwalk. Fine, I can handle that with sore legs and bruises :) no really, I can...except 8km is a biiiiiiiiiiit rough. The first half was really fun, Dad was singing stupid songs and Mum was being odd
We made it to a few lookout points and took photos, of course.
Once we hit a bunch of stairs, things started to suck more. There were 200 stairs to go down the beach, meaning to get back to the carpark we'd have to climb 200 stairs back up =__= We figured we might as well stop at the beach for a bit before we continued on...
Instead of walking back up the 200 stairs, the Dads made us walk to the other end of the beach, so we could get to a pathway back to the carpark WITHOUT stairs. Walking along the beach was...interesting =/
Dead penguin :( and a stream that seemed to start nowhere. This seemed to bother my dad...
The weather was nice that day but not good enough to actually chill out on the beach, so Susan and I went for a walk in the afternoon down to the shops, and came home with 3 scoops of gelati :D I saw a ladybug on a pair of pants and got stared at by a lot of people while I was trying to take a photo and pick it up, haha
Had a massive Cluedo-off in the evening...
Surae won 3 games, Susan/herdad/I won 1 game each and my Dad was sooooo into it that he lost every game :) He even had an A4 sheet of paper with notes on it haha, waay too into it
And then yesterday we went round to a few beaches but Susan was too cold to go in so it was just her sis and me kicking at the waves...too bad the weather warmed up majorly in the afternoon and we didn't have enough time to go beach'ing again, coz HORSERIDING :D oh my FRICKIN gosh, my horse was a GREEDY ASS =___= The trail ride hadn't even started yet and my horse went off somewhere and started eating grass like a maniac...got him/her back on track (horse's name was Ash) and everything went totally fine...except for the fact that he/she KEPT EATING =__= ATE SO MUCH HE DECIDED TO WALK ME INTO A TREE BRANCH. So I have scratches on my arm coz of that...hah. A Russian lady tried to dodge that same branch and she fell OFF her horse O.O her horse was insane!! The trail ended up at the beach and while half the group went cantering, her horse started madly running towards to rocks and MY HORSE FOLLOWED =__= I THOUGHT I WAS GUNNA DIE FORREAL.
Gentle lookin thing though aye...
Susan's horse decided to sit down and roll in the sand, and then afterwards her horse got scared of a stick and held us all up for a bit while we stopped and waited (and my horse ate some more). By now my arms are tired as heck from pulling at the reins, so I was thankful when we got back to the stables...the ride was really fun but my arm/legs/groin are KILLING ME
Went to cousins house for dinner to celebrate Susan's 16th as well, had a good meal and awesome cake = happy and satisfied woohoo
1 comment:
So nice that you do family stuff.
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