Spent the day out shopping from Bridge rd to DFO spencer...bought nothing for mum, but she bought me a formal dress :P Had Hungry Jacks for lunch cos we're cheap...less than $10 spent on lunch woo! haha

I don't know about you guys, but I love spending time with my parents - I fail to understand people who hate their parents/think their parents don't understand them etc etc....for god's sake, they raised you and put up with you all these years!! It's so typical to say this, but every time they piss you off, they mean well :)
Makes me realise what some parents went through after seeing baby Belle the other day - she's usually a really good baby, but cried for 45 minutes and NOTHING we did would make her stop D: Mum told me I was a pretty good baby...then proceeded to tell me Linda and Annette were a pain in the ass LOL
Happy Mother's Day!
whoa wait, who are linda & annette? aren't you an only child? aklsjdfalkj confusssionnn +__+
lol i call my pain in the ass when i was a youngen being OVERLY SENSITIVE. haha, btw, i had a dream with you and yr mum this morning!
Parents are amazing and highly under appreciated.
Oooo, I love the dress Soph!! Gorgeous.
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