Friday, May 30, 2008

woah, this week went real quick..

i think things are starting to look up in math methods :) i shouldn't speak too soon i know, but i totally kicked butt in the last sac!! 15.5/16!!

though my average is still something like 65% haha

i just finished summarising all my chem notes, thanks to my new boyfriend named microsoft word for mac. it looks so raddddd, with the note flagging, box ticking and collapsing menus eeee i am so in loveeee (click to enlarge. and absorb the beautiful detail of the notebook layout)

man my blogs are so boring...i always seem to be jabbering about school yeah? haha

well i'll keep jabbering. coz school is pretty much the only thing that happens to me, since its taking over my life and all :) shall be having a bit of a study/cram party session in the state library on the weekend with erika and min hhaha

ohhhh had my music unit 1 solo exam today D: it went pretty good, i was super happy with my revolutionary etude (compared the the autumn concert, ngghgnnn) but not so much the mozart hahaha, my fingers kinda decided to rearrange a few sections and i just had to barge on :( erika's viotti was beaaaauttiful as usual but i believe she would like to stab her accompanist. the one that is not me :)

here's something un school related (if you're still with me) OMG I CAN KINDA MOONWALK HAHA. i filmed it but i wont upload it cause its only 10 secondsish long, but lemme know if you wanna see it!! not that i can do it properly. and not that i can even do it in shoes haha, i tried today in my volleys and i just stuck to the floor :( i WILL be good at it one day. and be good at all the shiz mark can do.


Monday, May 26, 2008


...why is there a head on my chi pet D: i refreshed and it was gone

anyways, cram time for bio test tomorrow!



Wednesday, May 21, 2008

more exam/homework complainations

complainations isn't a word but who gives a damn, it is now :)

so i'm pretty much screwed x__x no matter how hard i try, i highly doubt i'll pass methods unit 1....meaning i can't go onto unit 2?! i dunno, but mrs s pretty much gave me a heart attack when she said that whoever isn't good enough will get bunked down to extention =__= so leah & i are totally making a pact to kick some sweet ass in the exams though i have a feeling it won't happen.

seeing as i JUST fully comprehended quadratics, which was like 4 topics ago.

so my timetable looks like this (yeah i excel'ed it for larger if you cant see)

you know what sucks. the fact that i remember my timetable perfectly clear, but i can't remember what i need to know on exams O_o 

happy about me having one spare day coz theres no music exam :D but the solo performance is next friday omg time flieess. i have saturday to tuesday off (and the last friday) YAY, 4 whole days of study and a celebration day. too bad the last 3 exams don't require too much study time :( and FAR OUT why is my LAST exam ethics?!?!? sheesh, i'd rather have the satisfaction from the end of exams because of a really hard one, rather than a *shift + numbersnumbersnumbers* subject. if that makes sense


and its also sad that we've planned our post-exam celebrations hahaha. something to look forward to i suppose :) and bets on mum letting me stay out til late yaay...then work experience then end of term OH MY GOD I CANNOT WAIT!! I NEED MY 3 WEEK BREAK NOW 



Monday, May 19, 2008

chocolate boobies

found these in belgium a few years back and i dug up some old photos for the fun of it and found this so i had to share hah :)

anywhoots life's been busy, exams soon and im procrastinating yet again

updating on twitter quite often, will put a thingy in the side bar over there <<<<<<<


Tuesday, May 13, 2008

1000 pageviews?!

hahahaha i added hannah to my blog list on the left, and when i went to check my blog, i realised i've gotten 1000 pageviews D:

i have maybe 3 or 4 regulars, and unless they enjoy refreshing my blog hundreds of times then i dunno why my hit counter is so high :D

so as a test, who actually reads my life? leave a comment :D vvvv

(ps: 63% on methods test...2% improvement :D but an asian fail nevertheless. will study my ass off for the exams and prove to myself that i'm not a total dumbass because i KNOW i can do it, i just suck under a time limit. and i'm really uncareful :( )

Monday, May 12, 2008


i feel yuck, my nose and head are blocked up and i can't function

i have a twitter account now if you wanna follow me :) haha

gonna sleep now, gnight


Sunday, May 11, 2008

wedding & mothers day

so yesterday was the wedding and reception, which was very beautiful but so very boring for me :( nobody my age, everyone was at least what, 30+ years old? really yummy food, good speeches and a bit of lame dancing, but that was it

it was funny though, cause kat is asian, marcel is nonasian...and most of the couples at the wedding were all 1 asian + 1 non asian :P marcel's sister is married to an asian guy too hahahah

anyways here's some photos :) 

possibly the cutest flowergirl and page boy ever ^_^

THE CAKE OMG. it didn't taste that great, but the lady made it in adelaide and brought it over somehow D: it was a raisin loaf kinda thing, the outside is all sugar but i suppose to make it look nice the actual cake had to be stable

and a nice looking candle haha

soo anyway i rehearsed accompaniment for like 2 hours with people who are doing violin exams soon (megan and...some other guy) then i went to erika's to rehearse for another hourish for our vce exams this week...after a while we were like eh screw this and we went to the city again hahaha. i bought mum a necklace for mothers day, we got leah a bear for her bday, daniel a bag of asian candy (and nail polish haha) for his bday and we still dunno what to get mark...well, we have an idea ;)

and now i have a runny nose from either being allergic to violins or i caught a cold from wearing dresses :( poops

(youtubers - no vid this week from me coz i'm very pushed for time, but stay tuned anyway coz i did a collab with onepov & others for mothers day :) happy mothers day!)

Saturday, May 10, 2008

weekend ftw

yesss maths & ethics1 are overrrr

i think i did okay actually, by my standards anyway. i was totally happy afterwards and everyone else seemed all stressed out...negative energy made me negative, cause then i realised all the things i did wrong :( it was the time limit that was hard, coz i didn't get to check the test afterwards. oh well, pretty sure i did better than last time at least

ethics sucked but meh. we came in a bit late cause ethics was right after maths, but i really couldn't care less. only wrote 2 pages but i didn't get everything i wanted to say written down cause i rushed too much in the start haha

but anyway, last night i spent like 4 hours making a video for another wedding (scott&lillian) that's happening in china next week that dad's going to...all the staff at his company recorded some congratulations and dad made me put it together. i am SO fricken proud of what i did but SO fricken angry that it wouldn't burn onto a DVD properly. we probably bought the wrong kinda of blank DVD's (DVD+R??) but both my computers just spat it out and wouldn't let me use it. so i tried my other blank CD (CD-RW??) and it worked :D but, i played it back on the telly and the sound quality was AWFUL :'( so i ended up just copying the raw file onto the CD and dad's taking is laptop. GRR

aand kathryn&marcel's wedding is on today in like 3 hours...kathryn called last night and asked if i could stand at the door and tell people to grab a program hahahaha, so yee.


Thursday, May 8, 2008

oh lord pray help me

dear any god that will listen:

i pray that i will pass my maths test tomorrow. pleaseplease give me a miracle and let me at least average...being above average is pushing it a bit, i think. no failing me ok? actually, scratch asian failing me ok? D is death, so anything below that and i may be joining you in heaven.

and i'm gonna push it a little more me with the ethics outcome :) i sincerely do not know what the heck i am writing about. i am not asking for a pass or fail, i am asking for you to give me direction as to what i'm supposed to be doing.

after all, you are a god. 




Wednesday, May 7, 2008


i hart my chi pet.



Tuesday, May 6, 2008

cheesed off, a little

will rant in parts:

1) so i got asked to do a flute part in the middle school musical "the adventures of mr toad" and i really wanna do i asked mum, and she never said no, but all she did was say stuff like "you hardly practice piano anymore, you have to accompany people for their violin exams, you have an orthodontist appointment, you have jruadjkflnasdajlidufhrwf" and all she wanted to hear from me was "FINE I WON'T DO IT THEN!!". i would've taken it if she just said no...gosh, she didn't have to guilt-trip me there

2) I AM SO OVER ETHICS!! YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW RIDICULOUS THE SUBJECT IS AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. if ANYONE out there is considering religion & society for VCE, FOR THE SAKE OF YOUR SANITY DO NOT DO IT!! okay, well i'm not putting you off the subject if you're passionate about that kinda thing, but i SERIOUSLY DO NOT SEE THE POINT/BENEFIT OF ETHICS!! having YOUR moral ethics is important, understanding everyone else's is important BUT THAT'S COMMON SENSE!! you do not NEED to write essays in less than an hour about christian core beliefs and ethical view on capital punishment...WHO GIVES A CRAP, I CERTAINLY DO NOT. christians believe in love and forgiveness and capital punishment is wrong. muslims believe that capital punishment is right because the qur'an states it. VOILA IM AN ETHICAL GENIUS. not bashing religions or anything, but WHY does it have to be compulsory at our school?! unless your future career path has ethics as a prerequisite (i doubt it) then WHAT THE CRAP?!?!



3) and during ethics, we floated off topic and started talking about our careers again cause more career interviews happened today...min pretty much crushed my idea of being a psychologist :( thanks a bunch. so now i am again unsure on what i wanna be when i grow up. but i wanna know HOW DID LILY GET A PERFECT SCORE ON VCE LAST YEAR?! AS IFFFFF...i looked at the VTAC scaling report, and to get a perfect score, your study scores have to be an average of like 53?! WHAT THE CRAP can she be so perfect :) get a perfect enter score, perfect study scores, not seem to freak out AND have a boyfriend a perfect score as well =__= HAHA. oh i went off topic, but basically erika decided on marine biology, and i wanna do genetics/genetics photography :) i don't even know what the heck a geneticist does to be honest, its not in the job guide...WHY ISNT IT?! GARBAGE COLLECTOR AND BARTENDER ARE, WHY NOT GENETICIST? i don't even know if i'm spelling it right haha. film/tv production sounds great as well, but asian parents yknow (lol, asian reference ben)

4) yee, and i cut my fingernails...i can't STAND having long nails omg, i can't type anything...just then i tried to type this to viv "fatigue, alcohol and distraction would all slow down the reaction time and alertness would make the reaction time faster" except it came out like this "gsyihur, slvohol snf fidytsvyion eoulf dloe foen yhr trsvyiony imr snf rlrtynrdd doulf mk". i had my fingers one key across while touch typing HAHA....its like i'm typing in russian or something :)

okay, so that's off my chest, back to scienceee. (hey, someone help me with the prac conclusion, cause mine makes no sense) im not that angry but i do dislike ethics a tonne and a half :) ah crap, and maths test on friday. this post is kinda long, apologies. you don't have to read it but i had to type it

soph + wall = bang = screwed


Sunday, May 4, 2008

i am sad.

i have been addicted to hannah montana all weekend.

can't stand miley cyrus, but the show is pretty funny...

shoot me now


style & thoughts on it

so i pulled out a dress that my piano teacher gave me last year...never got round to actually wearing it so i think ima wear it for k&m's wedding :)

it looks weird hanging there haha. will probably get photos on the day :) but it generally got me thinking on how people study time :D :D

min - cares about appearance the most...but when the time comes to actually put effort into looking good, she may not know what the heck to do haha
erika - always looks nice on a daily basis, when the time comes to put some more effort in, she probably effortlessly knows what to do, no worries :)
myself - can't be stuffed putting in daily effort to look good, but when the time comes i'll pull out the big guns and put in a lot of effort

and for some reason, out differences balance each other out and we fit together really well as friends :D plus, the style of the other 3 friends in our group is fun to pick at too, and balance each other out as well :) 

amanda - always cool and cuteee (overalls!) bgirl-ish, I WANT HER NIKE AIRS!! they match her hair :D
irene - the only one who i've seen wears heels out, looks elegant/classy and doesn't look like she's in any pain...HOW DOES SHE DO IT
leah - ..........random. enough said :P

school people reading this - you know who i'm talking about ;) other people - familiarise yourself with these names :D


Saturday, May 3, 2008


YESSS i finished that damn ugly cake that turned out pretty good :D :D VERY proud, took me probably 2 weekends and a random weekday :) wedding for kathryn and marcel next saturday (STILL DON'T KNOW WHAT TO WEAR D: D:)...i pretty much covered up all the crap bits with decorations (slanting cake? ribbons...bad sewing? little roses...bumping up at the top? big roses :D)

full cake


artsy angle + the felt bag i made in art last year lol!

if you're not a regular reader/commenter...please drop a comment, i really want your feedback on this one! need to figure out how to improve my drunk plushies, i'm planning on making them more regularly and quickly, cause there's another wedding in a week that i won't have time to make a cake for (i don't think). hahaaa peace out, higher quality photos will probs be up on deviantart later


nails and more cake.

to hannah & ben:


its saaaturdayyy its saaaturdaaay *dances* no plans for todayyyyy which is beyond awesome just cause i have nothing to do :D :D well actually i have stacks of homework but pshhhhh

i got bored last night, french whited my nails...omg its so hard to paint the right hand with an unco left hand O_O looks like i dipped my nails in whiteout or something hahaaa, but i was just testing some looks for an upcoming wedding on saturday :) i have a blue/grey dress i wanna wear but it probably gonna be so freaking would look tacky with the same colour nails so if the french white lasts a week without chipping off i'll keep it :) looks better from far away haha.

that ugly plushie cake i made (in this post) is for the soon-to-be married couple...ugh, i still need to finish decorating that this dyou think it would look with a rose on top? i'm thinking white, but i only have gold right now...and it needs to be bigger i reckon

EPIC FAIL =________________________=


Friday, May 2, 2008

new moon


anyways HELLO HANNAH :)

in such a happy mood CAUSE ITS FRIDAY YAAAAY

but as usual the weekend's gonna fly by...if i occupy myself with homework, does that mean it'll go by slowly?


Thursday, May 1, 2008


UGH my day didn't start well. got up half an hour early to get to wind symphony on time and WHADDAYA KNOW ITS NOT ON CAUSE OF THE DAMN CATHEDRAL SERVICE REHEARSALS. should've realised, but that didn't stop me from being annoyed at the fact that i was hanging around alone in front of my locker on the concrete in the 10°C =_____= IN A SHIRT AND SHORTS I TELL YOU!! i had my jumper on top but thats illegal with the sports uniform. i reckon the school's just out to jip you a few hundred bucks to buy a spray jacket that i constantly lose. but anyway, we started the SEPEP training thing for netball (yuck) and we got sorted into teams. from memory i haaave: julia, jess p, tamara, teesh, michelle, leah, nicola, hayley & more person who was at the rehearsals =/ team 2 ftw! it started to rain, but we had to fricken play in the rain for like 15 minutes anyway....the school WANTS us sick, i swear...cause they don't want any trackie pants or jackets when its actual match play time. WTF MAN WHAT IF IT LIKE...SNOWS OR SOMETHING

but haha, me and leah had like...reptile skin. we were so cold our arms and legs went red and itchy. leah had these bite-like bumps and i had small dotty bumps....we looked pretty damn disgusting :D

uum, legal studies was fantastic, we watched "murder in the outback" about the peter falconio case a few years back. can't wait to finish it, its so tense! even though i know what happens haha. and and omg bradley murdoch was played by the guy that played abby's dad in "hating alison ashley"... i wonder if abby's done any more acting now haha. its funny to think of what happened to all the people that left our school, we talked about it a bit at lunch. 

i only wanted to complain about the weather but what the hey i rambled on again :)
