Saturday, August 15, 2009

CLC 2009!!!

Mario Kart'ed on the bus trip with St Kevs...I thought it was semi awkward, since you could tell they were thinking "wtf, so many asians!!" when they walked onto the bus :P Split into 4 big groups when we got there for some physical activities - rock climbing, cage soccer, volleyball, giant swing and crate stacking! Rock climbing was kinda lame, we did the whole boy-girl pair up and harness each other up thing...failed to learn anyone's name except Ashwin who did my harness :) Made it to the top of the intermediate wall, saw another guy fail at the expert wall so I figured I wouldn't attempt that wall. EXCEPT! Georgia ACED it D: short little chick totally owned all the guys hahaha

Had lunch (name tags randomly put on the tables and all that), realised a guy on my table was Michael from from PJ game back in '07 :) so that killed the awkward for the rest of the day cos he was in my activity group too. Played caged soccer afterwards...which is literally soccer in a little cage =__= decided to stuff it and play volleyball instead, which was pretty fun except it was raining :( Learnt a few more names in the process of teamwork, haha

Giant Swing was heaps of fun, I put up my hand to go in the first 3 meaning we had to go to the top D: the 2 guys (chickens) pushed me to go first...SOOOO FUN!!! Except I didn't have another turn because harnesses ARE SO DAMN ANNOYING =__= and it hurts. LOL


CRATE STACKING! HAHAHA it looks so pointless and easy but oh my buddha it's a lot harder/scarier than it looks D: I went first (again), but I didn't have another shot (again) cos yeah...harnesses piss me off :P and I had to pass crates for the rest of the time anyway. Most people got around 8, some pros got 10 and the freaks got to 13 or 14 (Sam and Min). Apparently the record is 17, which is basically to the roof D:

(amanda and sam)

That was pretty much it...we were all seriously tired and I was BEYOND STARVING. Dinner was awesome fun - a tableful of girls + one of the 28173 Toms and a James :) *name recall winnn*. We ended up telling riddles throughout dinner, and we all got mindscrewed over the Monty Hall problem...good fun, hahaha.

Next up was getting into our small groups and getting to know each other. I paired up with a different Tom (and our group leader's name was Tom...and my other group leader's name was Tom...ARE YOU CONFUSED? I AM =__=) and yeah he was really great; totally gonna be some elite footy player when he's done with school and all that :) Afterwards, we FINALLY GOT TO DO THE MASKMAKING! I was totally looking forward to that all week, and it was definately a highlight (I'm a loser). Paired up with Michael and we were near Sam/Shannon - hilariousss! It's the weirdest feeling having glad wrap on your face, let alone's like everybody broke their face or something

So by now everyone's seriously exhausted...but had to troop on with the C part of the LC. Had some prayer time and readings (+ a reading in canto haha) and etc etc...I was just about falling asleep, so thankyou lord for letting us go to bed afterwards :) A whole bunch of us showered (this is almost at 11pm haha) and nearly burnt out Viv's hairdryer. Slept for like 7 hours but it felt like 70...phwoar too much happened in Day 1 D:

D&M day - listened to a few people talk about their families, which really makes you appreciate the amazing lives we have. Got back into our small groups and drew up some family trees - Karen's was SOO cute! She explained it and was like (imagine this with a canto accent...) "I live with my grandma grandpa...I was too naughty so they kick me out to my aunty uncle. I was too naughty so they hire me a maid...maid say I too naughty so she kick me out to my 2nd aunty!" etc etc. Went to the beach in the afternoon and made sandcastles and stuff :)

We got to paint our masks! SQUEEE I was excited for this too :P James painted his whole thing gold...and it looked super awesome! But generally the girls are way artier than the guys...lmfao. Of course Viv K's looked amazinggggg and Leah's looked like Jigsaw in the end :P

Again, dinner was hilariousss! It was originally a mix of people, but then some internationals chucked the guys somewhere else and it ended up being 6 or 7 girls + Michael. HE EATS SO FAST WTF! Sam raced him and got owned, then I forget how it happened but the word "swig" came up and....aahh it's just one of those things that you had to be there to find funny :P Anyways, Sam and her swigging made cordial go everywhere...then we were over the word "swig" and Big Tom told us to "chew the fat"...and then we started laughing about chewing fat. BASICALLY it was a bunch of us laughing at nothing :) Michael left the table, then we started playing like spin the spoon or something...that evolved into spin the shoe when everyone migrated outside, ahaha. Angelo was dared to eat 41 packets of sugar and Sam was dared to tell someone he was the most attractive person in the world or something like that...the latter didn't happen :(

Had some prayer time again, lighting candles and writing notes about how we want to let go of the painful things that have happened to us in our lives...I thought it was really sad, until the music in the background sang the lyrics "I want to be the father of your child" :| Someone knocked over a few candles and wax went everywhere...moodkill D: and a pain in the ass to clean off, including the use of Viv's hairdryer (again) which almost burnt out (again). The Rev said her hairdryer was a gift from God (LOL), because out of the 20 or so girls who were there...almost everyone brought a hair straightener but only ONE person had a hairdryer D:

We got to open our letters from our parents afterwards, which completely made me cry...Dad is such a sop =__= Leah and Irene also cried, plus stacks of other girls haha. I cleaned my face up and then we had a QUIZ :D We were team KKK ..........Krazy Karen Krew HAHA. We were losing for most of it, but started to pull back when it got to News/Sports/Music...made some pretty lucky guesses, and having 3 sports pros in our group doesn't hurt :P So from last place we eventually came FIRST! WOOOO! The prize? A plastic medal and a lollipop......hahaha

Pretty tired yet again, but we skipped showertime and gossiped about girl stuff ;D til midnight...

Did some random "get into a circle shoulder to shoulder and make crap out of clay!" activity...I think I was shouldered with another James =__= yay generic names! The clay things had to represent how we want the world to remember us or something...I was gonna just make a heart, but at least 5 other people did that (or peace doves) so I just made a treble clef...Min made a perfect ball with a smiley face ahahah. Did some affirmations to one another after that, which was so warm&fuzzy :D The guys are really big softies on the inside and the girls all wrote theirs now I have some really sweet notes from a bunch of people I barely started to get to know :( Played more Mario Kart with the guys (the DS got passed around so much I lost track of who we were playing against) and girls pwned :D not including me....HAHA

I'm pretty bummed that camp is over; it was so much more fun than I expected, and I met some really awesome people! I seriously wish it went for at least a week :(

And that's it for my final high school camp of my lifetime...*CRY*


1 comment:

sprinkles. said...

CAMP <3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333

i want another one now LOL