Crowd + portapotties! phwoar...30,000 people this year! and 20,000 of them ran the 14km course D:

The teaaaam! Minus Megan who did the 14km course...champ D:
(L to R - Dad, Lincoln, Susan's dad, Logan/Rebecca's dad and mum, my mum, my piano teacher, Susan's mum, my ex chinese teacher...and Susan + myself)

Green = 5.76km run, white = 5.76km walk
The mother of all hills at 3km (outside MGGS) KILLED me. I think I have asthma or something cos I could. not. breathe!!!
On/Off ran the next 2 km, and SPRINTED the last 760m aahahahah - came in at 53 mins. Susan (the tank) finished at 37 mins, her dad at 39 mins and my dad at 47 mins. We were all around 10 minutes faster last year :( The walkers finished at about 1 hr 12 minutes which was a lot slower than last year as well, but they were walking so all is forgiven haha. Lincoln took his wife's tag, and he was meant to be running therefore he cheated! ahahha
There were 2 guys dressed as Ironman and Superman which was the only interesting costumey thing I saw this year. There were people in robot outfits last year LOL
Had brunch at EQ afterwards - spanish omelette! The mini frying pan was SO cute and the bread was deceivingly crunchy x___x
After going home and showering (SO SWEATY HAHA) I found the energy (yet again) to go shopping in DFO - I NEED A FORMAL/L.MUS DRESS!!!!! I found a REALLY nice one in Garfunkle, but size 8 was just a biiiiiit too small for me to sit down and move around in :( I'M SO UPSET LOL, IT WAS SO APPROPRIATE FOR A PIANO RECITAL! They had size 12 but nooooooo, no size 10s :(
Photo does not do it justice at all...the top part is made out of this sheer stuff that covers the chest, so it's warm enough for winter. AND its really pretty at the back; kinda like a semi-low V shape...
See where my tummy is - YEAH I CAN'T BREATHE. I liked it cos its so different from my usual formal attire...I guess its a typical colour for me to pick but... :(
No luck finding shoes either - my keds are so worn out and they make my feet stink so bad after a day of shopping LOL
EDIT: OH I REMEMBER SOMETHING HILARIOUS!!!!! on the train trip home, there were these 2 kids and their parents - they were writing stuff in a notebook and showing each other...
Dad: *writes "Silly Mum"*
Little boy: *shows mum*
Mum: *writes "Silly Dad"*
Little boy: *shows dad*
*insert cute family laughter here*
Little girl: *writes "Sex in bed"*
Dad: =/ ......too far...
Mum: *furious* that's stupid, rip it out!!!!
Dang, thats awesome. I want to run in a marathon one day.
The food looks gooood
I was in the city on sunday! and when I saw all the runners i was like "oh wonder if i can spot Soph!" but...this was like at 12 many people though! the event blocked off all the trams! xD
53 minutes O__O
they ran out of green zone, so i could only get white... 24 minutes! :D
you got brunch afterwards >:0
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