Wednesday, October 27, 2010

6 to go

In 24 hours time, I should have finished my language analysis and moving onto my final essay ever on 1984...WEEOW! 18 more days and I will be totally. Free.

It feels like time has come to a complete grinding halt, but at the same time if it moves any faster I'll fail all my exams due to lack of preparation. I'm currently not sure how to even study for I just read old essays/study notes again and again, do another essay under time pressure, do some plans...?

I think I'll just wing it =___= no kidding, under exam pressure I come up with some incredible bullshit that you just can't do at home under fake exam pressure. Plus, I've lost my quote sheet amongst my table mess...even though I tidied it 5 days ago.

Another big issue does one resist going to the toilet for 3 hours?! I can't just get up to go pee without losing precious writing time :(


Wednesday, October 20, 2010

goodbye class of 2010

"And as our year finally draws to a close, it starts to sink in...that soon we will see the end. The future is near, not always so clear, we're grateful for each day we have..."

I can't believe it is actually over...13 years of school, from primary school to year 12 I've sure had some incredible memories. Regardless of the stupid school cancelling things and restricting our celebrations, today was amazing. Breakfast at Giorgios, dominating the tram on the way back to school, final house assembly, final school assembly ft a hilarious year 12 video, singing, baby photos and random the thrill of cutting up your dress and getting it signed knowing that you don't have another dress to wear for exams (oops HAHA). Chips at central park in the sun with the year level...yeah some people were off their faces by this point. at 1pm? what haha

I definately wont miss the early mornings, the boring classes, the sacs, the pressure...but I will sure as hell miss seeing everyone in my year level, laughing at ridiculous things...when else in your life will teachers willingly dress up in stupid outfits and dance around? I can't even begin expressing my memories in words, but at the same time I feel like if I don't write it all down, someday I'll forget it all. There are people that you don't really know, sometimes don't even say hi to...and you know you'll see them in the future only at reunions. There are people that aren't in your friendship group and you don't have many classes with, but you know that you can talk to them and all you can do is hope that you won't fall out of touch.

And then there's the best friends that you've shared EVERYTHING with, and they have been with you every step of the way. You know you'll definately hang out with them a lot in the future, but sometimes you wonder if the new friends you make in uni will push away some of the time you can spend with them? That's really...emo/clingy of me ahahha, because I'm really excited to make new friends at the same time :D

I don't know what else to say, there isn't much I can physically study's all too overwhelming :( but my room definately needs to be tidied, it looks like I smeared jam onto every inch of my table. Except instead of jam, it's books and paper

"Two thousand and ten...what a year"


Sunday, October 17, 2010


Feeling really strange over the fact that high school is finally ending. On one hand I've been looking forward to this day since...well let's face it, pretty much since I was born. Funny to think that there's a life beyond Year 12, and I'm almost there

After talking to some friends last night about post-exam plans, I realised that a lot of the people I care about in my life are probably not gonna be around very often after Year 12 :( Lots of people applying to go interstate and would seriously consider going if they got in...sad. Like it's great that they're chasing their goals and they know what they want, but I'm personally way too unstable to leave Melbourne :P Knowing that these friends have planned all the way to life *beyond* uni freaks me out sometimes, since I can barely tackle my goals one at a time...priority right now is getting into uni at all hahaha

Dad asked me about going interstate (not that he understands much about all of this :P) and it's like...well uni is a big enough change as it is, I don't think I'd enjoy the thrill of being in somewhere unfamiliar with unfamiliar people. It's like Year 7 all over again O__O I guess I know what I ultimately want to do...I don't exactly have a clue how to get there, but I know that I'll find my way, right?


Tuesday, October 5, 2010


YAYAYAY NO MORE JAPANESE ORAL EVER :) In the time that I've struggled to battle this thing I have cried 3 times and endured the pain of random Japanese syllables invading my brain when I least want them to.

While we were waiting, St Kevs people were right before us and we figured out who *stole* Viv W's time slot with us haha...when we were all sitting outside the rooms it felt like we were all being prepared for execution or something :| One by one we got called in until it was just Erika left waiting 10 minutes after we all started

SO, general conversation, they asked me everything I was prepared for - family, school, hobbies and future...when they asked me what I thought of our school music concert, I was like "it was excellent" and then they asked me what my PARENTS thought...and I was like "they said it was...excellent". Ran out of freaking adjectives...LOL. Also they asked me why I need Japanese in my future as a doctor and I was like "to talk to people" the examiner was like "don't you mean to talk to Japanese people?". I was like oh...yes...that's what I meant (*cough* didn't know how to say that anyway). The awkwardest silence came from me saying I want to eat sushi in Japan, because they were like "haven't you eaten sushi in Australia?" and I could only respond with a "yes but Japan is...good...better?"

Detailed study was strange, they pushed random things I had never studied...they asked me to compare Australian and Japanese marriages and I said "I didn't study this, but I studied the change in average marriage age" and they were like "Okay. So tell me what you learnt from the DVD"...awkward way to ignore what I said, thanks examiners =__= I didn't even get to say my conclusion, which was annoying because it would've been a great way to end on something good. Instead they were just like *awkward silence* ok no more time, finished now!

Some nervous looking guy was sitting right outside when I was done, and he was like O__O is it okay...and I was struggling to close the door so I left it half open, wished him luck and ran away to bitch about it with my Jap class. Had lunch together and got home *too late* for trial exams so here I am loading the latest ep of How I Met Your Mother :D Friggin internet is slower than dialup, no joke :(


Saturday, October 2, 2010

sunny side up

I just read some of my old blogs (cos I was procrastinating, why else...) and it made me laugh how wound up I was about the amount of stuff I had to do at the start of the year. I would be like OMG I HAVE A SAC YADDAYADDAYADDDA and now it's like ....well I have 3 SACs some time this week, I dunno when and I have no idea what it's on....OH WELL. ahaha

But at the same time I'm still wound up about stuff, but it's mostly legit, like *sigh* the oral in 2 days time. Practice went well yesterday, "like you are diffarento paahson" and I genuinely do not want to practice's not perfect, she said it was 85% there, but COME ON it's good enough and I just want to end on a high :(

It's funny how I intended to work on my other subjects but I haven't touched them since last week and I'm not even concerned right now - it's like it'll magically happen...*prays*. On top of that there is, of course, unrelated to VCE problems concerning heart > head if you know what i mean haha...funny how that stuff happens to everybody in the world :)
