Wednesday, December 31, 2008









SEE YOU IN 2009!!!!


Tuesday, December 30, 2008

benjamin button.

GREAT movie :D :D

3 hours (ads inclusive) was a tad long =/

Went with Lisa today, coz she didn't come with us to Rye so an asap catch-up was necessary :P Coincidentally saw Min in the next train carriage with Aidan and said hi; BITCH WENT TO GET HAIRCUT WITHOUT ME :O meh haha

Lisa got a burger coz she hadn't eaten lunch, but I don't understand this:

Cheeseburger = $2
Double beef & cheese = $1.95

A Double beef & cheese is a cheesburger + an extra piece of beef


So next time you guys go to maccas...get a double beef n cheese coz it's not on the menu ;) tricky people.... haha

Had dinner at Lisa's and then got addicted to this game called Peggles.......


If you go over the's $0.15/mb up to 2 gigs

THAT'S $300!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (it took us 5 minutes to work out if it was $30 or $300...)


Monday, December 29, 2008

bedtime stories

Went out with Min, Erika and Mike today :D First stop was DFO to look for a CR bag or something that Erika wanted...but they only had pink and red so that failed =/ Went looking for swimwear and Min complained about her chest size for a while coz apparently she looks "flat"


Afterwaaards we went to watch Bedtime Stories which was pretty good :D After the movie, we considered Myer and stuff for a CR bag but after we left...Min realised she lost her wallet

Which had $300 cash in it

and her Dad's key card



Retracing her footsteps...realising she left it in Barcode...but Barcode didn't have it, neither did Hoyts and her conclusion was to call her mum and ask her to tell her dad

So here's hoping that whoever picked up the wallet saw the photoplus photo of Min and Fred and recognises Fred coz he knows so many people....

gaah it's not even my wallet and it's freaking me out hahaha


Sunday, December 28, 2008


Even spending 4 days in your OWN holidays house is tiring...maybe it's coz the entire time was with Annette and family, since Lisa ended up not coming :(

We left the house after lunch and spent the rest of the day in the house...just relaxing, wasting time etc :) I think I ended up playing Monopoly with Annette for the whole afternoon, then going for a walk down to the pier at sunset :D Annette was "disabled" coz she fell over (I think she flipped over a fence by accident somehow), but she made a HUGE deal out of it and would refuse to bend her legs at all =/ it wasn't THAT bad...

The weather on Day 2 was kinda sucky, but it was nice before lunch so we ate out :D I had a massive meal which was basically like a pizza but with chicken as the base instead of pizzabasestuff...Mum and I walked it off afterwards, coz there's some nice shops along the beach. I had to pick up some earplugs coz I failed at sleeping in the same room as Annette and Grandma (loud snoring anyone?). When we got back home, Dad decided to drive us around the peninsula but it started pouring and it was just a waste of time...Annette made a mermaid in the sand :D

Yesterdaaay was the most action packed I reckon, the guys who are helping out with building our house came over with their families and we had a bbq in Sorrento for lunch :) I didn't eat much coz the cooker was SO SLOW (electric...). I started cooking at my hash browns and meats...until Frank found a faster cooker furthur down, so we migrated ALL the meats and they were done pretty quick :D Everyone had pretty much finished and I was STILL cooking at my hash browns :( AND I DIDN'T EVEN GET TO EAT ONE HAHA. I think I saw a guy in my English class as well (I've never seen the front of his face so I only recognise his side LOL), coz his family came over and asked to use the stovey thing after us. I told them to go to the other one coz my one had been cooking my hash browns practically by solar power for over an hour =_____=

After lunch, we went down to the beach across the road and went for a swim and sandcastle building...and epic hole digging!

(little poser :D)


(that's me standing inside the hole...that's knee deep D:)

And today we went round to Cape Schanck with the asian clan

which wasn't that fun for me coz I'd already been last year for a Geography excursion...but look! the volcanic plug looks like he's got a person sitting on the left :D

SO that was my holiday...haha, I'll probably be going 1 or 2 more times this summer with FRIENDS =__= It's so difficult putting up with Annette on my case, following me and copying everything I want/do. So now I'm home with Gran while Mum and Dad are still over in Rye til New Years Eve...HOW AM I GONNA LIVE WITHOUT DECENT FOOD HAHA

Subway ftw...

(ps - I reckon Dad needs to get his legs fake tanned...or wear shorts more often)

Thursday, December 25, 2008

merry christmas!

I'll be in Rye til the 28th with Annette + family, and then Lisa's coming on the 27th :D too bad it's rainy on the last 2 days...

Anyway, just wishing everyone a merry christmas (hope you enjoyed carols by candlelight last night COZ I DID :D haha), be safe and happy and everything else...!



Wednesday, December 24, 2008


D also got back from France a few days ago so we hung out + Erika...she gave me a little eiffel tower keyring :D

Shopped around from Chinatown to Central to DFO...mostly just spending time, having fun :D For some reason I MAJORLY craved a big mac so I had that for lunch o.o then I felt like eating another one...

D bought stacks of stuff and spent soo much money...Erika bought sunnies and I got this:

Now my corroding bangle from vic market can be replaced :D haha


Tuesday, December 23, 2008



awkward movie =/

"I like to watch you sleep"

HAHAHAHA was good to see Lisa today anyway :D I really wanna go to Germany now, haha


Monday, December 22, 2008

pool, again


I spent 4 hours at the pool today (again) with only Emma (again) coz Juls and D couldn't make it, Chelsea and Anna never replied (I'm guessing Chels is jetlagged and Anna is still berrypicking o.o)

Spent the morning throwing a stress ball at her little brother who I thought was 7 or 8 years old...TURNS OUT HE'S 13 WTF

After they left, the pool started flooding with people...some old guy was snorkelling in the pool and being really creepy to Em ahaha :P

We ate pasta salad

Melted chocolates


and ima go see Twilight tomorrow with Lisa coz she's BACK FROM GERMANY!!!


Sunday, December 21, 2008




Every time mum held her she just dropped right off to sleep

Which is worrying coz it means she won't sleep during her normal bedtime...

When she woke up after we ate...mum picked her up and she did a massive (very loud) poop :D


Bet you anything she's gonna grow up completely beautiful coz half asians are always beautiful :)

Other than that, I went to Steph's church this morning to watch a Christmas production...I LOVE CHRISTMAS!!



Saturday, December 20, 2008


Sitting around all day doing nothing is absolute fail :( It's possibly more tiring than exercising...

Had to babysit dad's office again today, this time I got to be in charge to lock up :D Hardly any phone calls, I spent my entire day playing on and most of those hours playing dinglepops :) SO addictive

Gonna go give Susan her Christmas present tonight, and say goodbye :(


Friday, December 19, 2008

sore feeeeeeeeeeet


With Steph again

Without Susan :( again

Mostly Christmas shopping...Steph bought me new shorts, I bought her a black clutch and we both bought Susan a new handbag :D Steph bought herself ANOTHER clutch (and said her brother will pay for it for Christmas) and ANOTHER pair of maryjane shoes (and said her parents will possibly pay for it for Christmas...sneaky child)

+ I picked up some new nail polish and a pen :)

Oh, and if you're a dude and you're reading this, WHAT THE HELL KINDA PRESENTS DO YOU WANT FOR CHRISTMAS!! Seriously, it's easy to shop for girls coz we're amused enough by clothes/makeup/accessories/anything...


Thursday, December 18, 2008

home. home is good =/

Woke up at 7am with a massive blood nose, so when mum woke me up at 8:30 I was cranky and told her to lemme sleep for another half hour :) so then she woke me up at 9, and told me I had to go work at 1 which made me cranky all over again

So I was at dad's branch office doing absolutely nothing for 4 hours, nobody walked in and no phone calls until 4:55...TWO CALLS :D Took a message from one guy, the other lady was just asking why the head office wasn't picking up her call...haha

It's so damn uncomfortable, sitting down for that long with nothing but a laggy computer :(


Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Went badminton'ing today with the crew minus Erika...for some reason my thigh/butt muscle starts aching within 15 minutes of picking up the shuttlecock :( and I start sweating like a madwoman after half an hour as well

Fred and Min came an hour late, I stole Fred's volleyball WHICH WAS SO AWESOMELY LIGHT AND COOLTEXTURED and played with it while the rest of them were badminton'ing :) The basketball hoops were pulled up and away, so we attempted chucking the volleyball into the hoop but mostly resulted in fails and omgsocloses (except Leah who got it in like 4 times o.o freaaak)

Played cards in the bus on the way back, I had a piano lesson (last one for 3 weeks) and Amanda went to go see Twilight haha



Tuesday, December 16, 2008

i suck at cooking

Tried to cook a steak and some beans for dinner...the steak looked fantastic

Unfortunately none of us could chew it for shit

=__= IT'S THE STEAK'S FAULT!!!!!!!!!!

Not gonna pursue a career in chef'ing I reckon...but if I got paid to watch Prison Break I'm pretty sure I'd be a millionaire by now


Monday, December 15, 2008


INTERNET IS BACK HAHA...its SO fast!! New limit is 20gb which should be fine


Nah, it wasn't that hard...gonna try condense my 10 days into one blog!

The first Sunday night was the piano concert and it went great :D Everyone's performances were a success, the afterparty was fun (I managed to hit my neck on a photoframe or something)...too lazy to type about it, here's some photos:

(too many cameras too look at and we looked at the wrong one...)

Our doubleduet thingy (Susan and Megan)
(Me and Sylvia)

Final day of school was on Wednesday, saw HSM3 with Em and Jess instead of karaoke'ing with the usual asian gang...hadn't seen Jess in ages and I felt like laughing at HSM :) LOVED the scene where Troy was being all emo and headbanging to whatever song he was singing...ahahaha

Went to the pool again the day after that and probably got re-sunburnt...tan lines are increasingly becoming more obvious and EM GOT A TAN HAHAHA

Friday was the Kwong Lee Dow welcome event, most of it wasn't that amusing...lectures and stuff, but it was awesome to see so many different kinds of people there. There were around 650 of us, 3 from interstate and some from rural areas of VIC :) When I went into the first lecture/activity thing, I figured I should either isolate myself or sit with randoms. I picked the latter (thank god) and made friends with Vic and Steve who are awesome people and I'm glad I didn't sit like a loner at lunch. Viv was in a different group, bumped into Johnson who was in Viv's group so at least she knew someone already x__x also tried to find Katharine but didn't see her. The weather sucked that day, the little pictures on my volleys got soaked and the ink ran everywhere...and onto my socks :(

Last night I was at Susan's place coz there was some kinda party happening...had a lot of fun, I was completely intoxicated all night due to an overdose of...water and apple juice =/ I blame Megan making us play "I Never" (we're SO hardcore...playing it with water and all :D). Jason brought over his Wii, and the youngens (Jason, Surae, Tim, Logan, Rebecca, Isabel, Daniel) hogged it most of the night, til they abandoned it...then the oldies (Me, Susan, Jess, Michael, Megan...and for some reason Isabel was still there :S) took over :D and of course, the frequent trips to the bathroom coz of all that water and apple juice...

I reckon that's about all that happened that was mildly amusing these past days...the rest of the time I watched DVD's and I'm currently sucked into Prison Break...haha


Friday, December 5, 2008

goodbye internet

ten days...omg if i get through this i should give myself a cookie or 10

i'd laugh if it DIDNT get cut :P



Went out with the same people as yesterday + Erika...went to DFO and actually shopped :O It's not that often that we actually go into stores, look at stuff and try on ridiculous outfits. Most of us were trying to find nice bikinis (SUMMER!!) but while we were in one of those stores, Erika and I ended up wanting the cute mossimo underwear :( so hackin' expensive unfortunately...but I think we're actually going back there tomorrow to buy them ahahaha

After DFO we went to mc to see if there was anything else, spent time in Zuzu or whatever that store was...playing with makeup and primers especially :P Erika got quite addicted and we all left with smooth hands :D

And as a side note, I completely recommed hanging out with people you don't usually hang out with :) I'm friends with Emma of course, but we've never actually been out together...and I'm friends with Anna, but not close at all (she's in my house and a few of my classes that's about it) so it's a really nice change to talk to newish people :)


Thursday, December 4, 2008

tomato red

Went to the pool with Anna and Emma...funfun, got totally bruised from the baby pool tube :D The people on guard didn't let us through the slide coz we were over 12 years old, but we managed to have a slide marathon before we left since the little kids were all gone! Spent most of our time outside in the sun (hence the sunburnt face) but we played silly games with Anna's ball...jumped off the edge of the pool, threw it in the air, tried to catch it before we plotz'd into the water :D Tried to do that multiple times in creative ways but it mainly resulted in bruises...

LOL Em tried to cover up her sunburn with FAKE TAN O.O it kindof worked...silly girl told her mum she wasn't sunburnt, wonder how that went down...

Walked home with Anna, its nice hanging out with people you don't usually hang out with :) seeing both of them tomorrow too coz Em's being dumped at her mum's work, I'm being dumped home WHILE MY WHOLE FAMILY IS GOING TO OUR BEACH HOUSE =__= Have to work tomorrow night, raahh

^ ;)

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Went iceskating today with a massive group of people...met 4 new people but didn't really talk to them coz there were another 10 to get my head around haha

Pretty much skated for 2-3 hours...THE FOOD WINDOW WAS CLOSED!!! I HAD TO EAT BURGER RINGS FOR LUNCH :(

I has a blister :D


Dropped by the shops on the way home too to get tape and stuff for my dress...concert this Sunday :D


Tuesday, December 2, 2008

similar to yesterday

Watched The Nanny Diaries

Had a piano lesson, wherein my energy was completely drained from playing Waldesrauschen 6 times in a row


Wish you were coming with us Linda :( Then I'd have an even better excuse to cancel on the 3 theory students to go to beach house for a night *cries*


Monday, December 1, 2008


Itchy wrist

Sore thumb

and I walked into a door after dinner

Such an amazing life I lead no?


Sunday, November 30, 2008


Yes I make up words

Made wontons for lunch :D

Picked up milk for mum afterwards

Watched Death at a Funeral LOL

Had piano rehearsal

Finished Death at a Funeral


Saturday, November 29, 2008



SUCH an epic movie, I MUST work with Baz Luhrmann one day...hahahaha, he's a genius! Camerawork, scenery, storyline ahhhhh *lovelove*. There was a reference to Strictly Ballroom at the very start "A life lived in fear is a life half lived"...and the guy who played Doug in Strictly Ballroom was in Australia as well :D Pluuus of course Nicole Kidman also being in Moulin Rouge...Baz Lurhmann and his connections hahaha

So Steph the nob missed the, not because she was running late...because she was standing at the platform DAYDREAMING HAHAHAHAHA, the train drove RIGHT past her and I was inside thinking "...wut". Buut I ran into Kim on the way :D hello! haha

While I waited for her, I went to get lunch...I swear, ALL the money I've earned over the past few months has gone to FOOD =___= I spent $12.60 on food and a drink today :(

Oh and Steph bought a floppy hat coz she's going on holidays next week, luckyy!!!


Friday, November 28, 2008

school temporarily officially over (again)

VCE intro classes done :D So all I have left is the last day of school, which is generally pointless (assembly, yearbook and reports)

Music 3/4 sounds pretty good, I'm happy with the set works :D Summertime by Gershwin and Carmina Burana by Orff...definately have a listen to both, I'm sure you guys have heard of the 2nd one...I had no idea what it was til I heard it and it was like "OH, that song that's always in movies and ads..." haha

Printing out programmes for the xmas piano concert...oh boy, I sure hope I don't have to print 100 of these =/ stupid printer speed

I should totally price the programmes at $1 each, then give the money to charity :D

^ Cover :D


Thursday, November 27, 2008

good fun and good news :D

Went to see Mirrors today with Erika, Min and Fred :D When I got there, the others started ddr'ing for ages, then Erika had to leave for a violin lesson

While we were eating in Nandos, Viv and CC walked by so we played cards for an hour LOL :P Mucked around in the pet store and Dick Smith's til the movie started (Viv and CC left, chickened out haha)


We had issues buying tickets, coz it was MA15+ and Min lost her ID =________= Lady didn't let us buy them, tightass...

So we called up Viv and CC, told them to come back and buy tickets with me :D and this time the OTHER lady served us yeah, we got in :)

Movie was really good, great storyline!! Min screamed at 2 things
1) Sudden movement from a....pigeon 
2) Dog jumping up to the window

LOL, the 2 least scary things in the entire film made her scream like a chickenshit...some dude in the row in front yelled "IT'S JUST A BIRD!!!" ahahahha

And during the movie there's handprints on the mirrors that can't be cleaned, so afterwards in the bathroom, our conversation went like this -

Min: Actually, I'm not so freaked by mirrors afterwards :D :D :D
Me: It'd only freak you out if there was a handprint on the mirror
Min: *puts a went handprint onto the mirror*...........*SCREAMS AND RUNS*

What...a...NOOB ahahahhahaha

Got home, checked email and found out I got accepted into the Kwong Lee Dow thing :D Welcome event on 12th Dec, yay


Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

return of the exams D:

Will cut to the chase, in order of highest to lowest...

Music - 95% (I fail at hearing repeated notes hahaha)
Viscomm - 95% (she gave me 2/4 for using at least one filter? I USED 2 FILTERS DAMMIT)
Jap - 93%
Art - 88% (thing about art is, she ticked everything but still took marks off o.o I have no idea)
Science - 85%
Methods - 77% tech free and 80% tech active (tech active improved and tech free deproved haha)

English is tomorrow...hopefully will be fine :)


Monday, November 24, 2008

semi-last day of semi-freedom

Getting exam results back tomorrow, so today was kinda the last day of early holidays :) In which I did practically did nothing all day but eat a really gross Deli Choice roll from maccas :(

Went to the library via Susan's house who had juuuust gotten home from a maths and history exam. Also bumped into Steph who had juuuuuust gotten a haircut (couldn't see the difference though haha). Sat in the park in the cold with Mark for a while on the way home as well and I apologise for my leaky nose :)

And I find myself back at home watching movies...again



Sunday, November 23, 2008


Second time seeing Wicked today, with Erika this time :) She missed her train, so while I was waiting for her I bought me some marshmallows for chubby bunnies haha

Had a few hours before the show to waste, yet we got there 3 minutes before doors closed *phew*. SO close to the front this time round, row G (first row of A reserve) and pretty much dead centre :D

It's incredible watching it a second time round because you notice random things that you never noticed the first time round, for example there's a guy in the chorus who played a woman through the entire show O.O I assume they needed another woman in the cast, but still needed a male voice haha...or the actor just likes doing drag, i dunno :P

"I'm Not That Girl" and "For Good" reduced me to tears once again; everyone cheered for Bert Newton taking over as the wizard (although his singing voice isn't that fantastic IMO, his character is excellent :D)

After the show, went home, refreshed for a bit then had to go straight to a rehearsal which lasted an hour and a half...went home, practiced piano and la la la sleepy


Saturday, November 22, 2008

weather fail

Not loving this weather

If its gonna rain, RAIN DAMMIT!! Don't do the on-off thing all day...grrr

Had plans to go out but the hail made me cancel, then the sun came out, then the sun went down and I got confused and in conclusion I didn't go out and stayed home all day :(

Started designing the annual piano concert programmes for 08, gonna go with a corkboard sorta theme this year...06 was cute and xmassy, 07 was classical and elegant and this year is totally random coz my creativity juices have been totally drained from taking art and viscomm haha



Friday, November 21, 2008

movie marathon

 Yup, spent the entire day watching random movies

Hancock, Good Luck Chuck and Get Smart's Bruce and Lloyd Out of Control :) all not too bad, good for time killing...

Went to the shop and grabbed milk for mum, had a look in the cool store coz checking out their jewellery makes me happy :) unfortunately the price tag makes me depressed but that's another story haha

And now teaching them little ones coz I changed their lesson time to Friday night (xmas concert rehearsals start tomorrow!)


Thursday, November 20, 2008

freedom day one

Went out withhhh: Min&Fred, Amanda, Lisa, Leah, Viv, Steph, Sam and Tamara&Andrew todaaay :) Planned to all meet at 12 (except Lisa), but somehow that stuffed up and only 4 of us were there on time...

Went to some random jewellery store to buy Lisa a birthday present - solid sterling silver necklace with a key pendant :) Split the price of it up between 7 of us, which ended up looking pathetic for Lisa but she liked it so all is great :D

Mucked around in the toy place, ate lunch, bumped into the Urban08 people and then set off to Crown to watch Sex Drive

Except we didn't feel like watching Sex Drive and ended up watching Burn After Reading

Which was a bad choice =/

Movie was funny though, I just didn't get the point of it...maybe I'm not mature enough haha, plus the Osbourne guy reminds me of Mr O'C...AND BRAD PITT IS LOL 

Tired, gnight


Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Freedom *relief*

Jap went well, I stuffed up my different verbs for "to wear" though...mehh, I can't be stuffed caring where you're meant to "do" a scarf or not :)

During our break haha, we texted Lisa happy birthday...6 of us texted 6 seperate chunks - "Happy, sweet, 16th, birthday, lisa xx, from everyone :)", which I thought was hilariously dorky of us :D

Viscomm was hilariously stressful...during the course of the exam, I somehow managed to accidentally change the computer keyboard to French, and I was trying to type:

a girl's

and it came out as:

q girlù$

Plus, EVERY time I pressed Ctrl+S, Ctrl+A or Ctrl+ANYTHING it would ask me if I wanted to save before quitting Photoshop...I got SO confused, and had to do things without shortcuts for a good 10 minutes :( Also couldn't type any numbers, which was a pain in the ass coz I had a random stroke of inspiration, but I needed to edit the canvas size but NOO the numbers wouldn't type =___= I fiiiinally figured out the problem in the end, thank bajeezus...

And throughout the entire thing, I wanted to yell at Min to stop working on questions 1 and 2...she spent an HOUR fiddling with the most pointless things and it frustrated me so badly hahaha

So tomorrow we're going out :D of course, haha, CELEBRATION MUCH!! Plus, we have to get a pressie for Lisa (good luck for piano tomorrow!)

Should we watch Sex Drive or Burn After Reading? :)


Tuesday, November 18, 2008


ART IS DONE :D Wasn't too bad, the matching up of the artworks with the style/artist was easy, though halfway through one of the essays I needed to go pee so I had to hold on til more than one teacher was in the room so one of them could supervise me peeing, which is so lovely and awkward :)

I skipped ahead to the 25 mark essay and spent a good chunk of my time on it...then after completing it with satisfaction I realised I had less than half an hour left to do the unseen artwork comparison D: which went fine haha, but I officially have 3 blisters on my fingers from going into a writing frenzy

Bus'd home again, and now I'm studying for Jaaaaaap!!!! 

I'm only excited coz its the last thing I have to think about before I'm FREEEE (ie, I can't study for viscomm anyway haha)

(ps - mean to did music AND methods 3/4 in year 11?!!)

Monday, November 17, 2008



Tech free - fail
Tech active - better :)

The only thing that is MAJORLY getting to me right now is this stuuuupid question on the Tech free about a Peter who wants to shortlist people for job interviews

My answer looked something like this

(5,0)+(5,1)+(5,2)+(5,3)+(5,4)+(5,5) = 32
Peter has 6 possible combinations for a shortlist

Waitwait, rewind.

What did I write?

6 possible combinations?!!

I EFFING WROTE 32 in my working out and decided to be a smartass so I pulled 6 out of my butt AS THE FINAL ANSWER =__=

...Oh well hahaa, I totally skipped out on question 2 as well coz yeah...didn't know how to :D goodbye 5 marked question. AND GOODBYE FREAKING PETER AND YOUR FREAAAAKING JOB INTERVIEW SHORTLIST


Goodbye methods for a year :)

...hello gen maths......................................AHHHHHH


Sunday, November 16, 2008


Yeah methods tomorrow

Yeah I'm slightly screwed :)

Spent most of today actually revising, I can't seem to get the hang of general I get it, but when it comes down to the specific things...can' it.... :(

Took a break after dinner with the fluffhead, which was nice but it was cooold and my bladder got the best of me

I'm back home with an empty bladder now, thanks for wondering (or not) and I'm getting back to maths :) hope my CALCULATOR doesnt die on me tomorrow haaahh

...So where's that luck you promised to wish me every hour aye? BRING IT


Saturday, November 15, 2008

thanks $2.50 pen refill

The only thing I used it for was English exam (6 pages of writing and scribbles) + maths cheat sheet (1 double sided page)...cmon, you'd think it could last longer than that!!!!!!??!!!

Anyone else get really picky about stationary? Like if a pen you REALLY love is slowly dying, you use it only for *special* things...and by special, I mean extra neat and nerdy things (ie maths cheat sheet...)

Almost finished the probability side of my cheat sheet, so all that there is left to revise is calculus, which shouldn't be as much coz it was the last topic we learnt :D



Friday, November 14, 2008


Music exam was pretty tough...didn't think it would be that hard, coz I pretty much aced last semester (except for 1 freaking %) and I figured I'd be alright this time too

But nooo, I almost got screwed over on question 1 LOL...but luckily all the written work was okay, it was just the aural!! DAMN AURAL!!!

Stuffed up last bar of rythmic dictation, and stuffed up random chords :( I can distinguish between major and minor, but everything else was just...zxjhkdsweoquealksdjaldjfnalkdjhlaskdfhjlsdkfhj

Well three down, four to go...

Methods however...I am so so SO screwed...uuuughhhhhh :( can't wait til all 2 and a half hours of it is OVER


Thursday, November 13, 2008







It wasn't really their fault I suppose, turns out a bracket was damaged or something like I got ALL my braces taken off :D :D :D then put back on again :( :( :( At least the new brackets/wire looks really neat and straight

Next appointment in flipping JANUARY!! If all is good, I can get them off *prays for Jan 12th to by my lucky day* I JUST WANT THEM OFF BEFORE SUSAN GETS HERS OFF =________=

Anyway, I spent the entire day revising and wasting time. Got my circular functions all done and dusted, including the cheat sheet for that topic EXCEPT FOR THE FACT THAT MY SO CALLED A4 SHEET TURNED OUT TO BE 4CM SHORT OF A4

*tears out hair*


Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Science down!

Physics fail.

But everything else was great :) 


Chem however...

:( got a fat stack of holiday homework AND I'M NOT EVEN ON HOLIDAYS


Dr J is far too enthusiastic about chem...seriously - "The periodic table is such a marvellous thing!!!"

I kid you not, he actually typed 3 exclaimation marks at the end of that

Maths revision from today til Monday...I demand you all to wish me a fat load of luck every hour, okay?


Tuesday, November 11, 2008

art walk

Was awesome. SO much talent and inspiration

My pot however...turned out a tad fail

Check out the little melting blip at the bottom...the one that looks really odd in comparison to the rest, hah

And the spikes are cracking :(



English done :D I think I went alright

R&J - I was praying so hard for a topic on types of love, but NOOOOO I just HAD to get fate didn't I =/ Either way I studied fate pretty hard yesterday so I think it was okay :) better than the other 3 topics anyway...ahhh

Strictly Ballroom - there was a topic on "what was the most significant theme" or something like that, and I basically copied my practice essay so (Y) woo

I also learnt I can't open doors. Had to run right around to the front of the hall coz I had to pee WHEN THERE WAS A DOOR RIGHT BEHIND ME =__= I tried opening it but I obviously pulled instead of pushed...grr

Artwalk opening tonight, I'm gonna make mum look at the art while I get my awards then run home and study for phys/chem/bio tomorrow (I coulda just said science, but it sounds smarter that way :D)


Monday, November 10, 2008

echo'ing amanda

Yup, *studied* for 4 hours but felt like I learnt nothing as well.

Went to the state library coz it's a good study space...spent first half/most of the time studying for English exam tomorrow. Attempted to write a practice essay, but ended up listing a dotpoint structure of possible essays on fate and love (for Romeo and Juliet).

Ate Nando chips for lunch, went to chinatown to get a really expensive pen...what CHEAPASSES man, they sell the ink separate to the case of the pen?! 

Do the math yourself =.=

After that, I vaguely looked at science but I feel like there was nothing much to learn...went home via park, had a shower, filled self with dinner and am currently turning my essay dotpoints into sentences :D

Exam 1 of 7 tomorrow AHH


Sunday, November 9, 2008


Really didn't do anything all day

Did some R&J and Strictly Ballroom summarising

Looked at physics, looking at chem

Ate, breathed, talked



Saturday, November 8, 2008

how to steal a paper clip


Magnetic forces ftw :D

Yeah that was pretty much the most fun I had all day...amusing myself with a paperclip container. Worked at dad's place for 8 hours, and by *work* it's just babysitting the office and taking phonecalls/messages. Got less than 10 phone calls all day, including one from mum wanting to hear my phone voice, and one from Mark who decided to relieve my boredom riight at the end of my 8 hours (you NOOOOOOOB but I love you). Some kid got dared (I assume) to barge into the office and ask if he could buy a house...I asked if he had any money and he awkwardly went "it's just a joke, don't worry about it..." and barged out O.o Aside from that, I got quite a bit of revision done, I think I've completely finished revising circular functions haha =__= that's actually quite sad...but I'm really tired and got home after 5

And what am I doing now?

Working =__=

3 theory kids in one class today, not sure why one of the girls decided to crash the early class but she did...meh, its better for me :) $36 in an hour instead of 2 hours

I'm looking forward to sleeping in...siiiiigh


Friday, November 7, 2008

end of year 10

Last day of official classes were today! 

Which meant I've had my last art and viscom classes for the rest of my life :( noooooooooo

And what a crap last lesson, art was just theory Friday...wasn't paying much attention, was sifting through the share drive and stealing photos from the Big Day In, Speech Night, Music Camp etc :P 

OH MY GOD AND JAP ORAL WAS IN PERIOD 2 HAHA, I went first and got it out of the way...just before we started, I was told that we'd get asked 2 or 3 questions afterwards. I went through my oral pretty much perfectly, and did I get 2 or 3 questions afterwards? NOOOOOO, I got like 15 =/

1. What kind of cake did you eat?
CHOCOLATE (the only one I answered enthusiastically aahahah)

2. How many people came to your party?
15 (it was actually 14 but I said anything that came to me first)

3. Were they school friends?

4. What did you do for your party last year?

5. Did you go to Sofia's for dinner last year?
No (previous question fail :D)

6. What was your favourite food at Sofia's?

7. What is your favourite Italian food?
...Lasagne (what the hell, I just said I liked pasta...ya think it'd be the same)

8. Can your mum cook Italian food?
...uhh...Chinese (I thought I said "middle school" instead of "Chinese" so I confused myself haha)

9. Is cooking your hobby?

10. What are your hobbies?
Music (I thought she asked "What are you going to do on the holidays" so I spent ages thinking, then realised it was hobby...aahahah)

11. What instruments do you play?
Piano and flute

12. How long have you been playing piano for?
11 years

13. Are you good at piano?

Okay so not quite 15, but it was amusing thinking back about it :)

Double music after recess, exam *revision* which consisted of coming up with random songs that started with different intervals :) funn!

Maths after lunch, blaaah, then viscom *sobs*...both were pretty boring and the weather is downpouring so msnmsnadkjhdiuhdfhkladf

Will be working at dad's office for 8 hours tomorrow, hello boredom, hello exam revision and hello MONEY


Thursday, November 6, 2008


Double PE for the last time EVER!!!! I desperately wanted to play minor games ie WARBALL but we had some ridiculous taibo instructor come in and makes is punch, kick, jab, lunge and god knows what else :( blaaahhh. We got a game of warball in the end, lost a game and won a game :)

Double viscomm was just a crazy rush of finishing folio work, making sure things were up to date and all - I redrew my finale sketches coz it was a piece of crap, printed out some so-called "inspiration" and glued in things that were falling out :)

Bought a homeless soccer charity shirt during lunch for $10 :D It's slightly (read: extremely) massive, but it's really comfy...yay for manshirts :)

I lol at Teigan - "'s not Tuesday today, it's Thursday!!"

Got our calculus topic test back in maths...83% :) which is my second best result all yeeeaaarr!! But methods exam is in a week and a bit, and I've forgotten EVERYTHING...omg, forreal =/ Everyone was on question 7 or 8 during revision and I spent 10 minutes on question

Got ALL out physics/chem/bio stuff back in last period, the physics teacher didn't even turn up?! She's so slack, I swear...grr, plus she marks really inconsistently =__= 85 on phys, 83 on's so retarded, I always do better on physics and I hate the damn subject...and chem is my favourite and I always do worst?! ahaha too bad I'm not doing bio coz it's always been my best, even with the "shhhhp" teacher

Am slightly screwed for the science exam, I have to go to the Art Walk opening on Tuesday night to get some art award...they make a big deal out of it, but it's just a shitty piece of paper in the end, and another award that I COULD have put on my KLD application but it's too late...blaahh, and I can't find Gossip Girl on youtube, so I have to download it...and if I miss Heroes tonight I suppose I'll download that too


Wednesday, November 5, 2008



Today was ENTIRELY a bludge, due to double jap, double bio and double english


Spent most of Jap talking about Saw with Leah, and the rest of the time writing bludgey essays for exam practice :) I REALLY NEED TO WATCH SAW 4, THEN 5!! And Leah really needs to watch 2-4 haha

Bio was stupid, we spent the whole time cutting and pasting chromosomes our test mark back and I got like 95% or something yay :)

English was equally as stupid, Viv and I played this game and went from lemurs to pens, from maple syrup to handguns, and from something else to fun haha, and the rest of the lesson was devoted to finding out who won the election


(and I've decided to go with the iPod touch, will continue to save for a guitar...I think it's best to focus on finishing with my piano exam next May =/)


Tuesday, November 4, 2008

massive headache

I have NO idea why my head hurts so damn much right now...pain's just stabbing really hard at my temples and GRR


Left the house early in the morning to go have a massive wild party for Erika's birthday. Massive wild party of course consisting of 2 people :) We watched "How to Lose Friends and Alienate People", which I didn't think was so awesome but it was funny enough and Megan Fox is hot :D Just before the train left Flinders to get to MC, Erika called me (she got into a different carriage) and told me to get off the train, so I did and I found her surrounded by total randoms who were yelling out to a Connex man...apparently Erika passed out in the train O.O I was in panic mode when I found out, even though she had already recovered and was drinking water...while I was on the train, I heard an announcement for "the person who pressed the emergency assistance button" to please press it again, and I thought it was some idiot who pressed the button as a prank, but it was actually Erika fainting omgah...she's all good though, just ran to the train too fast, sat down and stood up too fast...ahahaha noob

Ate at Grill'd NOM NOM, then went searching for a pharmacy that does ear piercing, the LAST one we looked in just happened to be the only place open and has piercing haha. I wasn't allowed in the room to watch coz it was too small, but I heard the earring go through the ear and it sounded really satisfying LOL. Called mum one last time to ask if I could get mine done but fail :(

Went home, showered and went off to the English tuition place that apparently is amazing...and it's really awesome :) I really like it there, as nerdy as it's in an actual house and everything's jsut really homey styled. The people there are great, all really intelligent and Robyn is really lovely, just how I imagined her to be! Class of 6, 3 guys 3 girls (though I think one of the girls ain't coming anymore coz she's doing Eng Language - plus, I vaguely met her coz she's Min's friend haha). We did language analysis stuff which I'd already done in semester one, and everything's pretty relaxed so it's easy breezy :D

Just ate dinner and my head still hurts...ugh


Monday, November 3, 2008


Dammit, I swallowed a pill with not enough water and now it's stuck in my oesophagus and it feels like aahhhh

Completely wasted my day today...I swore to myself I'd finish my work, revise etc but I ended up watching Saw III and Sydney White, spending time on and off Skype with Mark, and drawing stuff


But it was fun ahahha

Got photos back from Kathryn/Marcel's wedding! 

I LOOK SO YOUNG AND IT WAS ONLY WHAT, HALF A YEAR AGO?! soooo pregnant now haha, I FELT THE BABY'S FOOT UNDER THE BELLY O.O Very much looking forward to the kid being born, I think it's gonna be a girl :) and they're naming her Belle! eee, she's gonna be the prettiest thing ever, coz she'll be a halfie and all :) haha

And that was my day...will go out and savour the last moments of the long weekend tomorrow x__x


Sunday, November 2, 2008

amanda's 16th

Will set this blog out similarly styled to the one on my birthday - chronological order (let's test my memory)


Get a call from Min telling me to get my ass to the city to help her find a dress for tonight (it's slightly awkward shopping for strapless dresses/bras with her boyfriend? ahaha). Chow down some lunch, rush out the door with all my clothes and shoes for tonight BUT I FORGOT THE ESSENTIALS - AMANDA'S BIRTHDAY PRESENT AND MY CAMERA :( :( :( :( FAIIIIIIL!!!! :( :( :( :(

Went to buy Amanda a pretty awesome ring for a gift from Min - then ran around to Artbox to get a cute box :)

In Supre helping Min try on a dress. She wanted this silky bubble dress but it was too large in the chest area - STUPID GIRL, THE DRESS WAS MY SIZE HAHA and she's like twice the thinness of me...I don't even understand how she managed to think she could fit into it =/ But she got almost the exact same dress minus the silky fabric and the bow at the front, for half the price :) Bought a while bow to tie round the middle as well. Then got dragged to various shoe stores to find matching shoes for a decent price, ended up finding some random pair of heels for $30. Toughest job left to last - buying a strapless bra LOL AHAHAHA yeah I'll skip the details but it took her the longest to buy that one :P

FINALLY ARRIVED AT AMANDA'S PLACE and hour late...heh...mucked around for a bit on DDR (Min forgot to bring another mat) and the Wii. Ate lots of junk food, I still feel bad that all those little pies and stuff were untouched :( I think we played pass the parcel first OH SHIT I JUST REALISED I LEFT MY KEYRING THERE!! OMG AMANDA AHASDJHALSKJDHLAKSJDHLAKJSDHLAKJDHS I WANT MY KEYRING :( AHHHHHHH

Um yeah, then LOL we tried to kill a green dragon pinata, but we ended up making the string break so we had to take it outside, so all the lollies just went BOOM everywhere ahahah good fun :P THE BEST GAME OF ALL LOL was passing popcorn to each other via suctioning it through a funny, we ended up doing variations of the game and stupid LEAH made us all laugh and fail multiple times :D 

Before we left to dinner, Amanda's aunty and mum did our nails and stuff, it was SO cool!! They're so amazing omg...


Then we all got dressed up and shiz, all looking really pretty and ready to go...into the pouring rain YAY =__= 

Emma called saying she had arrived, but when we got there she was nowhere to be found?! TURNS OUT THE FAILCHILD WENT TO THE ONE IN THE WRONG SUBURB LOLOL AHHAHHAHA I love you :) Julia rocked up late looking really upset, coz she had spent an hour trying to find it :( but we cheered her up and everything was all good! We spent most of the time camwhoring and I felt bad for *ignoring* Amanda's old school friends...there was a point in the night where we ALL went to the bathroom and her old school friends were still at the table o.o I felt like I was being really rude haha...

Highlights of the night was towards the end after we had devoured all the food - we had a MASSIVE cake, sang happy birthday like 3 times, and I had a cake eating comp (no hands) with Jennifer and Pedro (I hope I got the names right...) AND I WON HAHA, I didn't even get cake on my face? Min had a water sculling race with the same Jennifer, an ENTIRE bottle...if it wasn't water I swear they looked like alco's :P but Min epic failed. I later dared her and D to go up to the waiter and act drunk, but they started stalling and ended up going up to a random asian man and asking him to fill up their water bottle...ahahaa

Many photos and stuff later, we all went home. It's pretty late now and I cbf, so I'll add onto this later (no guarantees) with photos and whatnot...SOMEBODY FACEBOOK THEM ALL UP NOW?!


Saturday, November 1, 2008

WHATSUP?!! not much.

Had my last two accompaniments to do this afternoon, both went well! Linda hadn't done exams before either so she was pretty freaked out. I'm upset with her teacher, because she's a great violinist but her teacher is pathetic - he doesn't give them ANY aural/general knowledge training, and hardly any work with the scales. Basically he sets ALL the 6th graders the exact same pieces, and teaches them those 4 pieces up until their exam. What's the point in learning an instrument if that's all you're retricted to? And how BORING would it be to be the teacher, hearing the same 4 pieces again and again........gaahh, it drives me up the wall, because these students have so much potential but they're driven to hating their instrument because of a dodgy teacher...

If I had my way I'd give them a hand with aural at least...the poor girl came out of her exam really upset coz she had no idea aural work was even ON the exam :(

Susan went well as well hahaha, she dropped her bow while playing the last piece :P I would've laughed pretty hard but given the exam circumstances aahahaha yeah no.

$80 in hand, goodbye accompaniment :D and goodbye moneyflow...

My lol'age of the day came from one of my students attempting to draw mezzo staccato (WOOHOO FOR MAC PAINT!!)
Also have been watching Saw I and II all day...really wanting to finish II but I can't til class is over


Friday, October 31, 2008

goodbye money

Got my calculus and genetics test out of the way and now I'm FREEEEEEEEEEE!!! Tech free section for calculus was an epic fail, but I think I did good in the tech active for once :O Genetics was a bludge, so all is good :)

Finished my calendar for Viscom!!! Click image for deviantART version/fullsize:
(I think I forgot to save after I added "Spring" to the last one haha...and the leaves for Autumn were annoying to draw x__x)

After school, went shopping for Amanda's present and something new to wear on Sunday (the latter failed). ALSO BOUGHT WICKED TICKETS FOR SUNDAY ARVO AFTER EXAMS WOOOOOHOOOO, front row of A reserve! Only problem is, ALL that money I've earned from accompaniment is GONE O__O Had to pay mum back $230 for the tickets, $25 for Amanda's pressie (I kinda just gave away the price of your gift but you knew what it was your ipod a 2G? If not, I have the reciept ahaha...) and $20 from Steph's present aaaages ago. BUT THANKYOU SO MUCH FOR CHIPPING IN MARK, I THINK I'D ACTUALLY BE BROKE WITHOUT YOU!! Min said she's also gonna chip some in as well since the ticket was like $112, and Erika's paying some of Amanda's pressie too (DON'T WORRY PANDA YOUR PRESENT IS MORE THAN JUST AN IPOD COVER!!)

In short, I have $70 left :P But I should be getting $80 tomorrow from the last 2 accompaniment....and after 6 more weeks, I think I'll have enough for either a guitar or an iPod touch! STILL INDECISIVE!

REALLY looking forward to the long weekend, only art/viscomm folios to finish which is fun anyway...can't wait til Amanda's b'day especially and hoping to get out of the house Monday as well! I wanna go to the park, but it's effing thunderstorming til Tuesday, and I need to let my brain regenerate on Tuesday



Thursday, October 30, 2008

name fail

So in assembly today, they were presenting certificates for some Jap comp aaaages ago...and they called out my name (along with Erika's of course) in the perfect scorers section.

Which shocked me, coz I already knew I got the first question wrong (apparently I can't distinguish the difference between a pig and a goose in japanese or whatever it was...)

Turns out they mixed my name up with Steph's, which was too funny...when I left the stage, I heard people "aww"ing at me...ahahah rejected :P but I had to go back up to the stage to get my actual award anyway, in which the principal said to me "Congratulations on last night"

Last night? What did I do last night O.O


Anyyyway, Viv also injured her ankle in PE................playing ultimate frisbee. What an awesome story to tell :)

Finished my calendar in Viscom, only have the cover to finish and I'm DONE

Tonight - study for methods/calculus and sciencebio...ahh.


Wednesday, October 29, 2008

house arts


Well okay, the winning house was incredible with their storyline, dancing etc etc but it's just a tad GRR that 2nd place lost by 1 point...WHEN THEY LOST LAST YEAR BY 1 POINT!! aaahhh and I'm not even in either of those houses

My house came last again :)

But thats beside the point...everyone was amazing so WELL DONE :D

LEAH I DIDN'T KNOW YOU CAME!! GAAAH, I saw your mum sitting upstairs with us haha

and I'm really tired right now so I can't be stuffed blogging but I'm sorry again Mark ahahahaha

(Amanda - hope you're okay)

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

eight years

We still have a candle burning for you every year; I miss you and the all the memories...of your deep armpits :)

UNIT 2 OVER :D All went well for everyone, woohoo! I am SO not practicing piano tonight hahaa...but either way, I need to catch up on other work now :(

Finished my insane melting pineapple in art today, worked right through lunchtime AND I LEFT MY LUNCHBOX (AND BANANA) IN THE ARTROOM D:!!! Must remember to get it back gaahh

We finished Strictly Ballroom (again) during English, so basically another period of bludge

More calendar work in Viscomm, almost finished my entire thing! Three periods to go, and I have to finish Autumn and the front cover, so I think I'll be okay

Folio work however...


Monday, October 27, 2008

motivation for procrastination

So here I am, failing to finish the music analysis because it's so damn boring...well no, it's just REALLY time consuming and I'm far too lazy to scan my music so I'm just taking photos and editing them brighter hahaa

Today was an alright day I suppose, the weather was really strange :( I didn't bring my jumper or anything and it suddenly started POURING and I got really cold so I borrowed Erika's...then it was warm again all of a sudden and AHHH it was just horrible

Making progress on my melting pineapple pot, but I have a feeling I won't finish it in time, it'll look really obese and it'll explode in the kiln...aahh damn you air bubbles and dry clay...

Am currently stressing for unit 2 music exam...not for MY exam but for Erika's DAMN ACCOMPANIMENT OH MY FRICK ITS INSANE. She has some lovely long quavers and I'm going nuts at staccato semi-quavers at some crazy speed aaaahhhhhhhh

We'll see how we go tomorrow...thank jebus it's not assessed for my ensemble work this time round LOL fail.


Sunday, October 26, 2008



The fast bits are faster than I fingers faillllllll!! And with 2 days til her unit 2, BLAAAAAAAARRGHH. Thank god it's not MY unit 2 or I'd be screwed hahaha

Well anyway, this morning I got up at 6am on a SUNDAY!! and went to the market from 7-9 with Steph. Hayfever was really bad and all the 2nd hand clothing didn't help either. I didn't pick up any clothes, just a ring for $6 :) 

sorry ahahah epic detail thanks to the macro thing...

Yeah so then I went home and slept til 11...haha, woke up again and at lunch, practiced piano and went to Erika's...rehearsed for a bit, walked around to her park WITH A POND AND DUCKS, walked around the nearby junction of some kind and then went to Safeway to absorb the aircon :) It was cloudy but SO HOT today grrrr...and then I got hungry so we bought some hot chips YUM YUM YUM, got a free sample drink from Starbucks and went hoooome and SHOWERED ZOMG


Saturday, October 25, 2008

winding down/melting down


Doesn't help that I'm in the living room...ahhh I'm evaporating, I swear

Had to do my final accompaniment for Johnson this morning, poor kid was so nervous for the exam...but in denial of course :) He kept asking me questions about exams through our warm-up, coz this is his first exam or something. At the end of the warm up I was secretly really worried because he was playing pretty badly in comparison to our rehearsals =/ While waiting for the exam, we witnessed a man blow his nose REALLY REALLY LOUDLY AHAHHAA but at least it made him laugh...he was freaked out coz whoever was before him was playing the same piece as him and playing it REALLY well. 

The exam went good though, I think warm-up relaxed him :) except, the examiner cut-off the best bit of the last piece :( Hope he does well!! 

After collecting my pay ($____$ *drool*) we stopped by the cool shop on the way home to find something for Amanda, but I got really indecisive...AMANDA, WHAT DO YOU WANT?! COZ I FOUND SOMETHING REALLY AWESOME BUT IT DOESNT LOOK THE AMOUNT IT'S WORTH SO I DIDNT BUY IT COZ YOU'D THINK I'M CHEAP ESPECIALLY COZ I'M SPLITTING IT WITH LISA...I don't wanna get you like...generic jewellery or something...cmon....16 :')

And since I wanna get up really early tomorrow to go to the market, I'm trying to finish random strands of homework...tie up stupid loose ends like methods homework that I *finished* this week, the English essay that I *finished* last week and the music analysis that I *finished* 3 weeks ago...........heh. So hopefully I'll pick up some cheap clothes at the market coz I hear it's awesome :) Maybe something for Panda as well!! I mean I mean I mean みかん :D


Friday, October 24, 2008

house swimming

Found out I'm not actually in no events - I was an emergency for 50m yeah, pretty much in no events (played on psp and ds all day...shh). I think everyone in yr 10 in our house turned up, 4 people turned up in Jamie (Amanda and Leah had to fill in for lots, which was so unfair...especially coz Erika was there and in 2 events yet still bailed?) and 6 in Akey turned up...epic fail haha YET AKEY WON, AND WE CAME LAST O___O HOW DOES THAT WORK?! WE'VE WON HOUSE SWIMMING LIKE 2 YEARS IN A ROW :( Wilky 2nd, and Jamie 3rd...I'm not a sore loser, I swear :) haha, we'll see how it goes down for house arts next week *glares*

I submitted my kwong lee dow stuff last night, it was really nerve-wracking to click that submit mind kept thinking I made spelling/grammar errors all over the place but hey what can you do :P I hope they won't be that careful in reading like 3000 applications anyway haha...ACTUALLY NO I hope they're careful, so at least I'll seem smart 0:)

Almost finished another season for my calendar in Viscom, the stupid automatic updates made me lose it all halfway :( At least it was just some grass...hahaha

SO glad it's Friday, looking forward to this weekend :) I gotta do accompaniment for one of the violin exams tomorrow morning and I hope I get to see Steph while I'm there COZ SHE'S DOING HER AMUS CELLO *good luck vibes*!! Then teaching again at night, so I can't go to whatever fair with Emma and Stuart :( Hoping to go to a morning market or something on Sunday as well, then rehearsal with Erika for her unit 2 :) And somehow fit some homework in there haha...


Thursday, October 23, 2008


HI HAHA, you're damn dedicated to wander around to find my blog :) no music tomorrow, we have house swimming! But I think our next music class is our unit 2 exam D: next one after thaaat is wednesday after lunch but...shouldn't you be studying?! haha

I woke up this morning and fell asleep straightaway...except I did that thing where I dreamt that I had gotten dressed, eaten breakfast etc, so I thought I was awake. But when I actually woke up for the second time, it felt like I had to go through my routine all over again =__= not cool.

Played softball in PE today, first time in AGES. The student teacher took us and it was really fun :) Except I was totally jealous of the other classes that went off to the park to play soccer/footy/walk around :( Plus, I got smacked in the hand with Julia's hard throws coz I caught it with my non-gloved hand haha faaiiil :P

Finished another season of my calendar, 2 more to go! Plus the cover :D 

Man, next Friday's gonna be pretty packed O.O Methods topic test + Bio test + calendar due + ceramics due as well...and the night before I think I'm going to the String Soiree, and the night before THAT is house arts and there's no way in hell I'm gonna miss house arts!!!!!!! 

So I'm currently procrastinating from a bit of homework...Heroes is on tonight :D woohoo


Wednesday, October 22, 2008

feels like saturday?

Had our "all day" rehearsal for speech night today, which is basically awesome coz we're not at school :)

It was extremely pointless for everyone who was only in the mass singing, because at least I was there for award rehearsal, in which we decided to exit the stage in a synchronised fashion - turn, smile, bodyroll and march off right foot first...which was obviously destined to fail :D Then a run through of mass singing plus an orchestra run-through as well. Everyone else (except Erika) ALL ditched us =__= So when we were done, we had to figure out the buses and stuff ourself before meeting them, having lunch and taking the train aallll the way back to the city again just so Erika and Min could DDR for like 15 minutes...I HAD A SHOT LOL :) I'm amazing. Really. 

OH BUT LOL on the way to the city, these ticket inspectors came I got out my ticket and they're like "Can we see your concession card?" and obviously none of us (except Erika) had one, so he did the whole *serious talk* thing and told us we were committing a serious offence and we would be fined $168. I did the whole innocent "But I thought you needed a concession card after 16? :')" thing, high pitched voice and all :P I didn't think anything would happen anyway, but Fred was killing himself laughing after they let us off...haha

Trained home, walked to the park and waited for Mark, hung out, time flew, bladder was at bursting point and went home to have a nice pee.


Just home from Speech Night, it was fantastic :D Mass singing was AMAAAAAZZZING!!! Best EVER, it always ends up happening on the night :) LOL us year 10's decided to all say "Shanks" instead of "Thanks" when we got our award, so we could do something weird to be remembered by I suppose...haha, and apparently I looked really weird next to short Viv and tall Georgia. It was stressful to go from orchestra to mass singing, coz we had to run backstage, drop off our instrument and run AAALLLLL the way around the back of the hall...I was so dead from running that I couldn't even hold my hummmmmmmmmmmmm's properly for "Hey Children". I also hijacked Kim's dress while I was backstage, but I didn't get to sign anyone else's uniform and I won't see any of them again for a long time :(

Am currently a tad upset that dad didn't end up making it to the night, he left right when it started coz someone called him...but what can you do, gotta keep smiling :)


Tuesday, October 21, 2008

goodbye class of 08

It's actually really depressing to see the Year 12's leave...the older you get, the more people you know and the sadder it is :(

The review was hilarious as usual, this year we got stereotyped as a bunch of ipod enthusiasts with permanent earphones in our ears :) year 7's were the OMGSCHOOL:D!! kids, year 8's were just spastics, year 9's were the orange oompa loompas as usual and year 11's were the IKISSEDAGIRLANDILIKEDIT hahaha :P The embarrassing and slutty facebook/myspace photos again got projected onto the big screen for the entire school to witness...I lol'd pretty hard at the photo from D's party with the fake alcohol :P I also heard of a few reaaaaallly baaad photos that got cut...and I've seen them and ohhhh boy they're pretty damn bad haha

After the review was their final formal assembly, the accompanist disappeared and we had to sing the hymn totally on the spot and it was AWESOME. Really nice way to end things :) This year's speeches were all amazing, it wasn't like previous years where EVERYONE cried and the entire audience was pretty much bawling =/ I really really really liked Danni's speech about thinking outside the box...who says we were in the box to start with? And and and Grace's speech made me soooo enthusiastic about debating and I'm not even a debater LOL. I almost started crying at Kim because she's just pure awesome and I'll miss her and her musical talent so much :( Very sweet how people joined in with her singing at the end! Thenn the year 12 song (written by Kim I assume) which was so pretty, can't wait to hear it tomorrow night again

After all that emotional stuff, we went back to class, which was music...and a total bludge ahahah, coz Kim, Biro, Anne and Miffy joined us and it was just a chatter session about what had just happened :) Next year's music performance class is gonna be so fun! OH AND Biro had a massive waratah flower from Kim and it was SO COOL ahahhaha

It feels like everything's coming to an end, even though we're only 3 weeks into the term o.o Speech Night is tomorrow, all day rehearsal + hanging out at *insert location here* afterwards and then I'll head home via park if I have time (I MISS YOU D:) Just polished my shoes as well :D and Dad's actually turning up to one of my school events which is practically a miracle, so if anything I'm glad I got that award just so Dad would come watch :)


Most likely gonna go with a CD, but which one?? First album, the most recent album or the one I listened to the most....ehhhhhh

I swear I'm not a crazy obsessive stalker fan...I WAS though :)


Monday, October 20, 2008

hoorah for awkward

Year 12's last official day today! Nothing much happened all day really...WE STARTED CERAMICS IN AAARTTT WHEEEEEEE

Mine's a model of a melting pineapple :) which I hollowed out, so I can use as a vase later on I exciting gaahh

AND LOL IN VISCOMM...well actually...

Last night Sam told me about seeing the teacher wearing a red lacy g-string, Sam was like "Hey Soph come here!"...and I assumed she wanted me to check out someones calendar design...but was was the teacher...sitting down...with her g-string pulled up quite high...and her pants down low....and it was not cool...*nightmares*

So er anyway, had a kanji test for Jap afterwards, I TOTALLY FORGOT HOW TO SAY THE WORD "TODAY" IN JAP LOL!! And I also accidentally wrote ごいます instead of ございます...aaahhahahaha

Lunchtime ended up quite odd, why did Amanda and Leah disappear?? (it rhymes hahaha) COZ MIN KNEES SEXED MY BOOBS!! And we discovered that knee + boob = noob...aahahaha noob sex! then we had music, which was a waste of time again...then singing rehearsal agaaain which is quite exciting :D We're sounding really good EXCEPT when I start singing my dadadada's ON TIME and NOBODY else is =___= 

Aaaand then we had the announcement for prizewinners for 08. In our year: Simone, Viv, me, Georgia, Chloe, Sam and Chelsea  :) I shall never understand HOW teachers pick the people though? I highly doubt they compare results of EVERY student in the entire year level =/ I bet it's biased...coz I can think of so many more people worthy of an award!! Gah, but congrats EVERYONE!

(ps, Exam timetable is in - English, Science, DAY OFF, Music, Methods techfreeandactiveinoneday :(, Art, Jap, Viscom, FIN)

Sunday, October 19, 2008

lol my popsicle.

While I was in deep sleep, Dad was already cycling himself around Melbourne for the "Around the Bay in a Day" (except he chose the half a day ride, 50km). Susan's dad went as well, but I heard he was pretty much dying by the end of the race :P Maybe he was right to laugh at Susan when she suggested she do the ride as well...and holy crap, I was almost gonna do it with her =/ Thank goodness I didn't haha, me and my lazy ass would fail after 20km...

Love the contrast of his tan...check out his face and legs? AHAHA, love you. Clearly my motivation to exercise came from mum...

The rest of today is made of suck.

Things to do asap:
- 800 to 1000 word "MINI" essay (halfway there)
- Viscom analysis of that Sure Shot gallery thing
- Revise Kanji for Jap and fully memorise the oral
- Maths homework that I've been putting off since last week...
- Veggie people prac report
- Practice for unit 2 exam that's in 8 days...
- Finish the music analysis that I said I'd finished, but actually still have 8 pages to go...

Only 11 days of school til exams start D: Year 12 review on Tuesday (VERY EXCITED!), Speech Night on Wednesday, House Swimming on Friday. Also need to get Amanda and Erika b'day pressies next weekend as well!!! Hehe, looking forward to both parties, even if it's the week before exams start...

I should also do a video but I don't have time this week...too much stuff happening *frantic* 


Saturday, October 18, 2008

so hot!!

29 degrees...damn right, summer's almost here!! <3

Pretty much did nothing today, spent the morning learning exponential functions and logs, coz there's 11 days of school left and I doubt we'd finish off methods unit 2 in that much I got a little bit ahead with tutoring :) so that's my 2nd last class for the year, woohoo!! One more class before exams and I should be fine :D

Walked to the library at 2:30, aiming to get back to the park at 3 but epic failed...the weather was soo hot and I was sweating like a pig (yes Leah, worse than my sweat from juggling) back was dripping, and if I wasn't a girl I woulda just walked back naked from the waist up. Ended up at the park 15 minutes late, but Mark was late anyway so I attempted reading Atonement while waiting...bloody complicated language x__x We had to move trees due to cricketers, back to our old poop tree which has really bad grass now :( + being poked to death is NOT FUNNY. I AM NOT LAUGHING COZ I THINK YOU'RE FUNNY, IM LAUGHING COZ IT TICKLES. And coz your rib bone is pointy...hahaha I joke, I love every bit of your strange ribs :)

And now I am again teaching my theory class of 2, in the living room which is like a freaaakinngg sauunaaa and one of the kids is wearing long sleeves and long pants...he's the slow one who doesn't understand dotted notes :P It took him half an hour to comprehend modulation to "dominant, subdominant and relative key"...half an hour! I know, it sounds complex but for the second last chapter of the book in 2nd grade theory, you think he would have gathered that by now...Ah but he's the most adorable thing ever, I just wanna smoosh his cheeks when he says "bye sophie" with a big grin on his face :)


Friday, October 17, 2008


So I'm pretty much going nuts at the moment, I need to write a massive application for the Kwong Lee Dow Young Scholars Program and it's due next Friday...except out of the 5 of us nominated to apply, I am o.o 

We got one person who I swear has an average of 100%, another who gets leadership roles for everything, and another two who win awards left right and centre. I have...none of those things =__= It's not that I'm putting myself down or having low confidence in's just that the application asks for leadership roles that I have undertaken, and awards that I have won LOL

I HONESTLY CAN'T THINK OF ANYTHING!! So I get form captain every year, but then you have to list what the roles that position must undertake - which is practically nothing o.o

As for awards, they're all generic ones that everyone gets...and the ones that AREN'T generic are all related to music and art. I don't want my entire application to be full of music and art!! Because after that, I have to go on and say what my greatest achievement was and why (which is music related) then write a short bio for the selection panel to get to know me (which is probably also full of music and art). 

Oh and going back to the generic awards (like UNSW competitions), it would be slightly more impressive if I had the intelligence to get a distinction or's are kinda like "well you weren't crap enough to get a participation...". The only thing that I'm proud of on my list of awards is the Academic Awards, except I didn't get one in 2006, so it looks inconsistent and it bugs me :P

Okay so it sounds like I'm whinging about this...I promise you I'm not being a complainer about this, coz I'm actually pretty proud of myself :) If only I was more of a balanced nerd, rather than a music/art nerd...

(ps - any suggestions on how to suckup to the selection panel without making up jizz and sounding like a...suckup o.o?)