Went BACK to Coles and bought 10 hot pink enviro-bags. YES IT WAS REALLY AWKWARD o.o 99c each, so 10x = I SAVED 10c! hahahaha
Viv bought her black bags from Borders...cos fricken Priceline sells their bags for $3 each WTF!
So we trekked back to Viv's place, fussed for a REALLY long time about cutting the bags and going "OMG WHAT IF WE SCREW UP!!", "DO WE REALLY NEED 10 BAGS?!" etc etc
FINALLY we started the first dress - cut the bottom of the bag out and I...wore it :D felt like wearing a box...
So then I decided to cut out a triangle and make it corset-ish :) we pinned the ribbon, glued it down then Viv sewed it for me

Once the top bit was sorted, we kinda fluffed around wondering how to make the skirt...Viv experimented and ripped off the bag handles, and I started cutting the bags open so it was a long piece of material, and making them into fan shapes...
Whilst this was going on, Viv started on hers :D the Borders bags were smaller than Coles, but Viv is a lot smaller than me anyway...so, we split hers down the middle, and did the corset thing again :D My ribbon was glued/sewn on, but Viv's were the real deal - we cut slits and threaded the ribbon through, like shoelaces!
We should've started both our dresses at the same time, cos then we both would have finished...so now all I have to do is glue/stitch all my "fans" onto the hem of my corset, and Viv is threading elastic through her skirt and pulling it so it bunches up...we lazy!
In total I would have used 9 bags...the 10th one is for this...
REALLY HARD TO PUT ON AND TAKE OFF, BUT HERE'S THE MONEY SHOT (I'm holding my skirt together...)
word of the day
ameliorate - to make better/improve
That's brilliant. I don't know if I want to admit this but the 10th bag look is actually quite cool. It's like suspenders with a skirt.
that's the coolest thing i've seen in a while. love the tutu skirt. you guys are so creative!
LOL omg sorry for blunting it D:
anyway that dress is pretty awesome LOL
you should've worn it on w/ no top/pants ;[
that would've turned me on ;]
how long did it take ?
I've said this once already but I'll say it again ...
I honestly thought you were just going to cut a hole out of a black trash bag and put your head through it ....
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