Why don't you have vegemite with butter?
Can I play with you today?
What kind of chicken is this?
What time are you playing piano?
Are you going to the park?
If your name wasn't Sophie, what would it be?
How long does it take to photocopy?
Can I play with you now?
How do you make the movie play?
So I ran away to the park in the afternoon...this time it was Grandma's turn to follow me and tell me about how she might die any day =/ awkward conversations ensued...
Then I finally got some peace when she went home (she went home, got lost somehow, walked back to me and went home again o.o), so I attempted reading Pride&Prej for a bit, now I'm up to chapter 18 and I still dunno what's going on...and I got a grass rash...and Mark stood me up...aaahahha :P
You must have been SO stressed with that!
And asian elders do that ALL the time!
They talk about how they can die anyday and it's like WAH?! LOL
You're such a good girl.
I don't read -_-#
grandma --> hahahahahahahahaaahaha. oh man. po'grandma.
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