No fireworks for me this year, as if the 38 degrees wasn't enough it's also gonna be thunderstorming at night...but I hope my friends are gonna have fun cos last year involved playing cards and eating KFC til the midnight fireworks started =__= yay new year! ahahah
Not gonna do the resolution thing, but I do need to finish reading 3 books, holiday homework, write a song and arrange instrumental all in the next month....THIS IS SUPPOSED TO BE A HOLIDAY!!
I think I'll do a Stephen and reflect a bit (bonus convenient linkage)...
- Went to Rye multiple times, got my braces off...gee this feels like years ago (Jan)
- Black Saturday, and the memorial service (Feb)
- Bystander Effect ERA = frustration of 2009 (March)
- Run for the Kids 2009 (April)
- Had an awesome Mother's Day (May)
- Sat my mid-years, Sat my Lmus, MJ died (June)
- PASSED LMUS, Min's party, made a dress (July)
- CLC, Turned 17, Year 11 Formal (August)
- SKC formal, Jazz Soiree, David came back, 2010 Leaders (Sept)
- Final House Swimming, Unit 4 recital (Oct)
- Unit 4 written paper, OFF TO JAPANESE EXCHANGE!!!! (Nov)
- Home from exchange :(, my precious 49, best xmas ever, and finishing the year just the way I started - Rye! (Dec) I feel all happy inside now :D WHAT A GREAT YEAR HEY!! Nothing interesting happened in March and April (can't have a year without a bit of boring), July onwards was absolutely the best 6 months ever! Bring on house chorals, final house aths, year 12 formal, a billion 18th parties, midyear exams, annual concert, jazz soiree, revue (if it hasn't been cancelled on us...), muckup week, end of year exams, valedictory, schoolies!, results day, TRAVELLING THE ENTIRE FRICKEN WORLD (hi Linda...coming to crash your place/Annette's)!!!!!!