i misread my timetable, I ACTUALLY DON'T MISS DOUBLE ART TOMORROW! but i do miss a single period, which is killing me on the inside :) developed a photo of em, not fully happy with it so i stayed at school til 4:30 to do it again and again and again...
first attempt - fleck of dust on the hand, top part too light
second attempt - out of focus, face too dark (i fail at dodging hahaha)
the scans are darker than the actual image coz my lighting sucks, plus i flipped the negative so the image isn't the right way up haha
anyways, after recess = viscom (nearly finished my movie poster), then jap (sub teacher woo)
lunchtime, ate my sandwich and fruit in 5 mins i was so effing hungry =___= got amusement out of min wanting to feed everyone their lunch (video'd that haha)
mm then we had music, which i currently detest coz its either analysis work or....analysis work. AND WE ACTUALLY GOT HOMEWORK which is SUCH a waste of time...melodic dictations. WHO THE FRICK GIVES 10 PAGES OF MELODIC DICTATION TO PEOPLE WITH PERFECT PITCH? IM SORRY IF I SOUND IMMODEST HERE BUT ADSLKJHLDKJHAS WHAT A BLOODY WASTE OF TIME
anyway, then we had english and me and erika were kinda tipsy from the end of music...we were talking about human relations day and i was saying how there's gonna be dorky people with their pants tucked into their socks....and then somehow, erika added that they're have their collars tucked into their shoes o_o and we were yelling "lol, lol, rofl" at each other and it turned into "waffle!! waffle!!"
yes, needless to say we got nothing done
mm, so i just got home and mum went on a spending spree at target o_o almost everything was under $5, it was crazy...even this really cool zac posen dress that was $140, down to about $10... (i cut the woman's head out coz her face scares me. plus, she looks really old in it and wears it funny...OK THE PIC JUST DOES NOT DO THE DRESS JUSTICE)

ITS SIZE 6!!! NO WAYYYYY AS IF BE SIZE 6!!!! AHHHH WHYYYYYYYYYYY MUST THE LAST SIZE LEFT BE A 6!!! cmon if it was an 8 i might be able to wear it without breaking the damn dress, omggggg *cries*
the dress was only $10 coz someone my size mustve tried it on and broke the zip...but i tried it on and i couldn't seal up the broken bit :( the belt was too small by 1cm...soo unfairrrr
so mum's giving it to my piano teacher...damn piano teacher and her amazing size 6 body haha
i shall go mourn now
those people modeling has feelings too ya know! HAHA
oo did you take/develop those pictures yourself??
yep :D
what camera did you use?
olddd pentax slr camera...some school one >_<
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