Thank you for the gift.
I'm always proud of you, no matter what.
I'm also proud of myeself myself for having a daughter who is so determined and committed to things she does.
Love from your dad.
HAHA NICE ENGLISH SKILLS DAD. my father's day note had the ability to make dad cry, and his note to me had the ability to look like a business letter to a client. especially the signature at the end *rollseyes*
plus, i gave him a cable turtle and he has no idea what it is but he says he likes it anyway :P
most people seem to be taking dad out to lunch or dinner, but mine took himself out to a game of he's how chowing down wontons coz the golf club has bad food
anyway, happy father's day to the dads (and mrs dad's) out there :)
i love having a lazy weekend, absolutely no homework to do (i hope...coz if i do have homework im gonna get a nasty surprise when i get back to school)
the sun's out again, will go waste time outside and hopefully not get hit by rogue pebbles. there's also a painful zit forming on my back
coz you had to know
edit// WHAT THE HELL, IT'S POURING RAIN weather, DAMN YOU. was gonna go walking, but went to safeway instead...drumstick snack size nom nom (the end bit = the best bit)

and i got a new hairbrush, BUT I CANT WORK OUT HOW TO GET IT OFF THE TAG!! help would be appreciated. its like...screwed on or something O_O

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