Thursday, November 4, 2010

don't you hate it when...

You do an exam, you feel fine afterwards, you start talking about it and realise SO many things went wrong =_______=

Thanks for that Psychology exam 2010, why were you harder than 08 and 09? Why were there soo many...experimental based questions :S It wasn't too hard/terrible for me, it was just really...strange?

I finished with half an hour to spare, but in hindsight I wish I added the extra little details that could've acted as a safety net in case the right answer wasn't there...the thing about psych is that you *have* to have the keyword in your answer, otherwise it's just all wrong. I'm pretty sure a few questions I answered too specifically, when the question was asking for more general stuff (ie, answering episodic rather than declarative, answering variable interval instead of partial reinforcement...)

SIGH LETS JUST TACKLE METHODS SHALL WE? Jealous of those who have 1 to go when I have 4 left :(


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