Sunday, November 7, 2010

can't wait for a fresh start

I've been working pretty hard today, for the first time since exams started...partly because my internet broke after lunch so there wasn't much else to do :( But just when I REALLY needed a break, there was literally nothing I could do to chill out, so I switched from maths to chemistry and BOY DID I EXPERIENCE PROACTIVE INTERFERENCE OR WHAT (why I am referencing psych. I have finished psych. Screw you VCE.)

Basically after intensive study, my brain felt like it was a milkshake and I couldn't do anything right; even the easy stuff that I could normally do with my eyes closed...nah actually my eyes need to be open to read the question. Except this time with my eyes open, I couldn't read the question anyway IT'S COS I'M ASIAN ISN'T IT?

I cannot wait til I can officially throw all my maths out the window/in the toilet/down the drain/into a fire (but most likely into a recycling bin) tomorrow afternoon so I can focus on the one subject that I like...except my current problem is I have a very low chance of doing well in this subject due to...lots and lots of proactive interference.

Time to go back to methods because...I'm gonna fail pretty hard tomorrow. This will probably be due to my intensive hunger that will kick in midexam...

(ps hi Tamara and Viv :D)


Vivian said...


What's proactive interference? LOL

Sophie said...

when old information stored in memory interferes with, studying methods screwing up my ability to study chem LOL

tamachan said...

HI SOPH! omgosh did you just tag us? YOU CAN TAG PEOPLE ON THIS?
*mind blown*

and i know what you mean with your mind becoming a milkshake .. i wish we had the chem exam first cos i feel less prepared for it now :(

Vivian said...

Ooh well that makes sense... It's happened to me too ): I've forgotten almost all of chem.. HOW DO I EXPECT TO GET AN A+ NOW?! ):

wightslayer said...

Sounds intense D:
GLHF today :)

Sophie said...

tamara its called hyperlinking...HAHA. GOOD LUCK TOO SU-YIIN!