Thursday, September 18, 2008

one more dayy

so i was wrong, we find out the leadership captains tomorrow first thing in the morning :P i'm betting money that people are gonna be crying...

we played war ball and pony express in PE today, got hit in the head twice in warball and once in pony express o_o which is bad coz you hurts and all :) but it was good coz it meant i wasn't out if they hit me in the head hahaha

assembly was the usual stuff, hymn accompaniment and then listening to people jabber on about stuff...highlight was miffy and biro singing that french song ohmygod it was LOVE!! i really want a recording...their voices are amazing

stressed out at recess over the yearbook page submission...had to cut parts of my friend's 600 word piece of writing about urban07 so it would fit onto my layout....GAHH it was tough coz the entire piece of writing was incredible, brought back so many amazing memories :')

watched "strictly ballroom" from the start (coz the bio people missed out last time) so i worked on the yearbook page until i finished it haha...STUPID OLD LAPTOP SO LAGGY!! but the movie was awesome, love it very much. so amusing to see the dancing with the stars host/judges act in it HAHA

OMG MASS SINGING REHEARSAL IN PERIOD 5, YAYAYAYY i think i was a bit overexcited...but it's the "hey children" original song from house chorals and it sounds so cool with the whole school singing it!! kim, biro, anne and megan wrote it, they must be so effing proud to hear their original being sung by the whole school...yr 10/11 are hippos :) daaaaa...dadada.....

funniest thing was barnesy failing to play the djembe in time...ya think the music director would be able to, but no hahahaha. OHH and also in the start of the song where we go "hummmmmm" on a Bflat...the construction workers were drilling so it was like "hummmmmm" "drillllllllll" "hummmmmmmm" "drilllllllllllll" and we were in tune with the drill LOL

mm and now it's raining and its quite depressing. where art thou springtime?! well anyway, time to freak out over the chem test tomorrow, and my art folio....holidays soon!! WOOOOOOOOOO



Cheryl said...

Hey Soph, what's leadership captains?
Were you high when you wrote this blog? (laptop spazz.. lol)

Sophie said...

school captain, art captain, music captain, debating captain etc :)

and ahahah i dont think i was ....who knows :P