overshadowed - double exposure [details]

focus [details]

flower eyed [details]

em with silly string haha (not a submission)

balloons without the tree, single exposure (not a submission)

FINALLY jesus, they took me forever to upload to here and deviantart...and emailing them to emma took ages too AND im gonna put them on facebook in a sec SO STOP COMPLAINING THAT I IS SLOW AT BLOGGIN JEEZ MARK
anyhoo, we had double science first up, which was just a bunch of presentations for the ENTIRE double...the only thing that happened that scared the shite out of me was when the teacher looked up and said in her angry voice "WHAT ARE YOU DOING that is NOT listening with empathy and understanding!!!" and she was looking in the direction of erika, who was sitting next to me colouring in her folder...i was shitting my pants, coz this teacher's scary o__o but turns out she was yelling at viv (sitting in front), who was also drawing...but why the feck did she yell at viv, when viv is the smartest person in the entire year level?! ALSO coz hannah and steph were drawing on either side of her as well (chem presentations were REALLY boring haha)
ya after that, i discovered i had a jap test after recess D: i thought it was tomorrow, but meh...test was easy, 20/21 for listening (DOES IT REALLY MATTER IF I DONT UNDERSTAND IF YOUR HOUSE HAS 2 TOILETS!!??) and god knows what for reading comprehension and translation....eh it was easy enough
lunch consisted of a lot of slapping, and emma kinda whacked georgia a bit too hard...meaning she left a huge handprint on her leg :) so i believe in order to beg for forgiveness, em has promised georgia that she will: help her with homework for the rest of the year, not slap her for the rest of the year and talk to her on the phone for at least 20 minutes every time she calls. ahahhaha pwned
rehearsed the hymn thing in music, traded flutes with steph coz she couldn't pitch her shitty borrowed one...so i let her use my one while i had to make do with a disgusting rusty flute =_________=
and ended the day with methods. blah.
and since it was beautiful and sunny out, i stayed in the park straight after school til like 5 with mark and just sat/lay/rofl'd under the tree...talked a heck of a lot about *LALALALLALALALALLALA*, laughed about the anna chick that wont stop calling him "babe" AHAHHAAHA and he laughed at the idea of roasting baby soph on a stick in the sun or something o_o
and now im sitting here with nothing to do whatsoever...2 DAYS TIL THE HOLIDAYS AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
and we get to find out the 2009 leadership positions tomorrow too!!! wooo
i totally love the ballon without the tree. it has a wonderful shadow
i should post my b&w prints up eh? i will once i get more developed.
btw, what is this for (the submission)?
thanks guys :)
YES you should simon, and the submission's just for our assessment on the photography section of art this semester...ceramics next!
oh awesome!
haha seriously? im taking photography AND ceramics now. what a coinicidence
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