but OH MY GOD, it was INCREDIBLE...pretty much the most amazing opening ceremony i've ever watched, i am SO INCREDIBLY PROUD to be of a chinese background!! SOO much hard work must've been put into this, i can't believe it was pulled off so seamlessly!! aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh i seriously almost had a teary moment somewhere in there as well...the choreography for EVERYTHING was just beautiful!! the dance/painting was one of my faves, do the dancers hands not run out of paint? don't understand, but it was a total WOOOAAHHH moment. lang lang and the little kid were sooo amazing as well, i love how the little kid was totally not paying attention, and she's sitting right next to one of the world's best pianists...i think i would faint, quite honestly x____x oh oh and the typewriter!! HOW COOL WAS THAT HAHA, I TOTALLY THOUGHT IT WAS ALL TECHNOLOGY UNTIL THE PEOPLE POPPED OUT OF IT!!!! and and and the oars!! and the tai chi, the scrolls, aaaaah, every moment was just amazing!! my cousins are taping it, so i totally wanna watch it again or maybe it'll be on youtube some time soon :)
aand one of my friends came out to his parents today and i'm also incredibly proud of him...he must be on top of the world, having turned 18 and have a huge burden taken off his shoudlers :) i hart you aiden
and how fitting that this is my 200th post :)
hope everyone's having a great day...its not 08/08/08 every day, after all ;) only 100 years til the next one...
(how the frick dyou make an 8 without looking twisted...fail)

Yahh very cool ceremony.
You remember the Confucius Scholars bit? (the ones with the tall feathery thing on their heads)
Their costume reminded me of those dogs..
http://us.iams.com/iams/en_US/data_root/image/dog_breed/havanese.jpg XD
I liked the bit where they had the different faces of people from around the world. =)
The athletes going into the stadium bit was sooo long. I didn't know half the countries.
Today I watched 6 hours of cycling.
I was tired watching the cyclists cycling. o_O
I think that's it.
Bye Soph.
YEAH! the ceremony was AWESOME! like the best everrr!! and my parents think that ..those dancer/painter dudes weren't actually 'painting' the paper thing with actual paper ..but it came up on some lcd screen at the bottom or something at the same time ..but then again i'm not sure @_@" hmmm ... super interesting :D ! ARGH i wish i taped it ! ): ):
That picture made me laugh :) Hope you are doing well! I wish i could rewatch teh ceremonies, i missed some of it! =[ Hope the day is good for you!
cheryl - link no workie :(
melody - i think they were really painting...but the swirls im not sure about coz they disappeared when they lifted the paper into the air O_O or maybe im blind
ben - im so attractive there no? haha, hope you're well too!
you would not believe how obsessed i am with the olympics right now.
i have my tv on and live stream on different sports.
oh gah, i have no life...
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