in other words, i can never have a bad day at school, because i always have art, viscom or music on any given :( double jap, double physics and double english EWW...its not the subject, its the DOUBLE. i cant freaking sit still for 2 periods!! physics is just the WTF class...i mean i get what's going on but 1) i dont understand how we'll be tested on it and 2) it sounds like nobody else gets it. hurrumph
english = romeo and juliet...its not so bad, i wish i could speak shakespearean. a double period of listening to the play was tiring x__x but shakespeares way with words is amazing :)
currently trying to finish off maths because 1) our class is a whole chapter behind the year 11's and 2) im behind and 3) i'll be more behind when the week is over, coz our annual concert is coming up and we have an all-day rehearsal on....tomorrow. so i miss class which is fine, but not for methods!! and i miss viscom :( again. blah.
and just something i did in art that i has grown on me...still wish i could get it the way i wanted it to turn out but meh

you're really good at art yeah :) i wish i had viscom ....too bad i'm one of those asian nerds yeh? +.+
That is an amazing piece of art.
Hey guess where I'm doing work experience?
Well there's a billion places you could've guessed..
I'm gonna be working at the RESERVE BANK.
PS. I did the 8 things thing below this, except I click publish comment and it disappeared maybe it'll come back.
"still wish i could get it the way i wanted it to turn out but meh"
oh my gosh! your art is beautiful! haha, i dont think you could ever paint a bad picture! you have too much skill XD
In 100 years from now art students will be trying to mimic the works of the famous painter Sophie
whoa sophie, that art is good!
did you use oil pastel?
melody - i really wanna do art/viscom for vce but hey, im an asian nerd too :)
cheryl - thanks :) have funnn at workkk hahahaha, my friend worked at a bank and he said the funnest part was dressing up in a suit....yay? and yeah you posted the 8 things thing, i moderate comments so ya :)
jon - LOL famous painter...asiff, but thanks :)
simon - acrylic paint :) oil pastel's a bitch haha, smudges everywhere. actually, all pastels smudge everywhere, or maybe i suck...
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