double jap, double bio & double english today :)
missed first chunk of jap to have my careers councelling was pretty good actually, i'm interested in psychologist, graphics designer, tv/film producer, geneticist and photographer. looked into the process to get to my possible future career paths etc...i'm still mostly interested in psychology, its a long process unfortunately :( 3 years uni (bachelor of arts/science/health science/social science majoring in psychology - so lots of choices :D), 1 year honours degree and 2 years post 6 years before i can register as a professional >_< genetics is pretty much the same but you can only do bachelor of science majoring in genetics. all the others were the same, bachelor of arts majoring in whatever + folio
so whatever i pick i basically have to do english, methods and chem for VCE which is fine cause i was planning on it anyway :) im pissed at the fact that i can't do two 3/4 subjects next year...its gonna be a hassle to leave either music or methods hanging for a year =___= will hope for a miracle that mrs k will let me do two grr
started bio today too, bleh. the teacher sucks already i reckon.
the best thing that happened was the battle of the sexes debate at lunch hahahhaa. topic was "Women are the more attractive sex" and the girls had to debate that guys were hotter and the guys had to debate girls were hotter x] soo funny
"because guys have such an erect *cough* posture"
the girls won the debate which was great cause...we won :D but its great for the guys too though, since we're saying they're hotter :)
and thats all folks. failing maths with nerd support from viv right now, toodles.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
hello new friends on board :)
hello alina :D and hi bethany, i know you hang around my blog so i put you in the cool kids place :) it'll give you motivation to update cause you haven't posted in ages! i suppose i'll um, see you at school hahahaha. oh and i bet you anything i'll forget about accompanying you tomorrow, so if you're reading this tomorrow, tell me if i forgot haha.

today was a blah again, but science was hilarious. we had a test that we were all freaking out on but the mood changed considerably when we were given tests with answers printed on them :) loved watching ms o'b freak out and run down to the printer (with no laptop and super high heels), run back up (to get her laptop and take off her shoes) and run back down (welcoming a paper jam) before we got our tests printed. but, it cut our time in half, we had 30 mins to finish the test :( but thats ok, i think i did fine. i go by vivs motto "expect the worst"....i should go by it more often cause viv aces every test (nerd)
anyway, since ben got his room all hotted up recently, i thought i'd show you my room which is potentially awesome, except its REALLY messy :)
hugeass desk
wall :)
Monday, April 28, 2008
omg sif its so cold today x__x top of 14 only *freezes*
didn't do much over the weekend, killed some homework and stuff...half studying for a chem test tomorrow but i don't really know what i'm doing?!
didn't do much over the weekend, killed some homework and stuff...half studying for a chem test tomorrow but i don't really know what i'm doing?!
anyways, i tried finishing that plushie cake but its really failing quite badly...i wanna sew a huge rose at the top and pull the thread right to the bottom of the cake so it doesn't puff out so much (does that make sense). i think i must've stuffed it with the wrong thing, cause it looks a bit drunk see:

all seems fairly ok...

.......and fail

*tears at hair*
oh yay mum gave me hot jealousss, it has little marshmallows in it :D how awesome is the cup, i love it so much...its like double layered of glass, so its not hot when you touch it

(note to future self: laugh at your stupidity at remembering things for chem
combination, decomposition, neutralisation, combustion, displacement, precipitation....meth, eth, but, prop, pent, hex, hept, oct, non, dec + ane, ene, yne....6.02 x 10^23)
Friday, April 25, 2008
anzac day
happy anzac day :) though to be honest, i can't really relate to the day cause i'm asian and i don't have family who fought in gallipoli but much respect to those who did anyway
spent the day with the usual girls + fred (pimp) but the plan kinda screwed up...we studied at the state library for a while, and at like 1:30 ish we walked around aimlessly trying to find a karaoke place and we ended up eating lunch before actually finding a place. it was in some random creepy alleyway in chinatown, but it wasn't so bad when we got there :) i pretty much lost my voice from screaming songs, but lets see how my voice is tomorrow morning...
oh and last night i was at susan place to celebrate her sister's birthday and for some reason her dad decided that we should play charades (or his variation of it)
omg it was the funniest thing ever, my dad started to act out something and i guessed it was "making a cake"
then everyone started laughing at me for some reason and i had no idea i acted it out as cake making, susans sister guessed it was cake making, susan had no idea what it was and jason thought it was dancing
it turned out dad was trying to act out "changing a nappy"
no wonder i got laughed at =__=
spent the day with the usual girls + fred (pimp) but the plan kinda screwed up...we studied at the state library for a while, and at like 1:30 ish we walked around aimlessly trying to find a karaoke place and we ended up eating lunch before actually finding a place. it was in some random creepy alleyway in chinatown, but it wasn't so bad when we got there :) i pretty much lost my voice from screaming songs, but lets see how my voice is tomorrow morning...
oh and last night i was at susan place to celebrate her sister's birthday and for some reason her dad decided that we should play charades (or his variation of it)
omg it was the funniest thing ever, my dad started to act out something and i guessed it was "making a cake"
then everyone started laughing at me for some reason and i had no idea i acted it out as cake making, susans sister guessed it was cake making, susan had no idea what it was and jason thought it was dancing
it turned out dad was trying to act out "changing a nappy"
no wonder i got laughed at =__=
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
house aths 08
no classes all day :D got to sleep in an extra half hour, trained to the stadium place where we had to go (such a foggy day, look at the eureka tower! can't see most of it haha)

had to run the 100m for, sif i'm as good as her. obviously i'm not cause i came 6th haha :) wasn't in anything else (cept ball games which we won!) cause our house has all the good athletes haha :P we came 2nd overall :D
ended at like 2:30, which was great cause then we trained to the city and stayed there for an hour or so...scabbed chips off whoever bought them, and wasted more money on gloria jeans coffee :P that's probably where all my money goes haha...

i bought a new highlighter (on the right) cause my old green one (on the left - admittedly its cuter haha) has fades from fluoro to grass green over time O__O
and that is all :) my injection arm has decided to hurt me really bad today grr...currently doing maths - again. when am i not doing maths?! and why do i always blog mid-homework? haha
Sunday, April 20, 2008
pictures & etc
semi-recently decorated door

wonky angle, but i love eyes :)
messing with makeup (wearable, bud odd lighting - i'm yellow/orange o_o)
(unwearable, unless i was a disney princess or something - the flash washed it out a bit)
NEW SOCKS :D :D yeah i love funky socks don't i haha
ook, so i trammed to stephs (minus susan) today for an apparent birthday celebration. gave her a hugeass strawberry cushion (same as d's) cause she loves strawberries :D walked around *insert name of place here* for an hourish, then sat down for a drink and hot chips (...americans call these fries? ahaha). steph bought a ralph lauren wallet from a vintage designer op shop (lots of cool stuff there, but it smells strange...not bad, just old). i bought those new socks up there ^^^^ which i'm wearing now...they have little...suction things on the bottom haha, so i won't slide and fall on my face (though knowing me i'll somehow manage to fall on my face anyway). went back to her place, tried to make up a song as background music for her religion slideshow thing (fail) and we ended up watching clips of us singing (fast forwarded!!!). must get these off her, make a compilation and show it to people, its the funniest thing everrr.
and now i'm cramming homework (again), cause i wanna watch rove tonight (again)
Saturday, April 19, 2008
its 9:30am and i've just come back from 3 laps of bike riding and a lap of running :) i feel awesome haha, but sweaty...eew
ERIKA'S GETTING A HAIRCUT LATER!!! OMG I'M SO EXCITED FOR HER, AND PARTLY OF THE FACT THAT I GET TO WATCH HER LONG HAIR GET CHOPPED ALL OFF!! haha, funny thing happened a few days ago, me & min were group convo'ing with mike over msn, and i spazzed about erika's haircut and he goes
"is she gonna do a hiroki? (erikas bro who shaved his head in order to look hardcore haha) cause then they'd be brother"
and min goes OMG I SHOULD TELL THE HAIRDRESSER IN CHINESE TO SHAVE HER HEAD SECRETLY ahahha. but i highly doubt thats gonna happen, and if it is then...RIP min and erikas hair.
am addicted to the book Twilight :) but i have to finish that mountain of homework first...sigh
(ben - houses are things you live in :) hahah, kidding, houses at school are the same thing as homeroom. so we have 4 houses, and each house has a colour....each year level is divided into houses and house sport is when each house across all the year levels play against each other :) if that makes sense)
ERIKA'S GETTING A HAIRCUT LATER!!! OMG I'M SO EXCITED FOR HER, AND PARTLY OF THE FACT THAT I GET TO WATCH HER LONG HAIR GET CHOPPED ALL OFF!! haha, funny thing happened a few days ago, me & min were group convo'ing with mike over msn, and i spazzed about erika's haircut and he goes
"is she gonna do a hiroki? (erikas bro who shaved his head in order to look hardcore haha) cause then they'd be brother"
and min goes OMG I SHOULD TELL THE HAIRDRESSER IN CHINESE TO SHAVE HER HEAD SECRETLY ahahha. but i highly doubt thats gonna happen, and if it is then...RIP min and erikas hair.
am addicted to the book Twilight :) but i have to finish that mountain of homework first...sigh
(ben - houses are things you live in :) hahah, kidding, houses at school are the same thing as homeroom. so we have 4 houses, and each house has a colour....each year level is divided into houses and house sport is when each house across all the year levels play against each other :) if that makes sense)
Thursday, April 17, 2008
had a huge school ramble (so nothing interesting) but its all gone =__= thanks a lot unco fingers that like to copy and paste blankness.
in short - house sport was great, we definately didn't win but i shot like all of the goals =__= thats how much our house sucks, they rely on me of all people hahaha. had wind symphony in the morning, which was fine but i'm tired from getting up early. maths is effing stupid, i was so happy cause i was understanding it all and now y=|x| confused me so much just before and i spent ages getting mike to help understand (thanks so much) and i think i went in a big circle but at least i get it =/ science i LOVE BECAUSE I FEEL SO SMART IN IT!! chem ftw.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
injections again
2nd dose of cervical cancer immunisation =__=
hurt way more than the first, and last time we had 2 sucked. i half took off my jumper and rolled up my blouse, but the lady told me to unbutton the top of my blouse and stick my shoulder out. i didn't want a needle in my shoulder so i practically half-stripped off my blouse for that purpose >_< thank god its only girls rofl
but guess what =__________________=
i got a needle in my shoulder anyway.
and now my arm and neck are crazy stiff...grr, last time it lasted about a week, then it started bruising for a week...i hope that doesn't happen this time round. though i'm luckier than some, i WATCHED chelsea faint...which made me feel woozy. she fainted last time, so she sat down straight afterwards as a precaution, and from what i saw, she tried to get up (with a cup of water in her hand) and collapsed to the floor (water everywhere). nurses caught her though, but it scared the crap out of me
happy birthday to steph & d, i love you guys :) poor d, immunisations/strings/orchestra on her bday! gahh, that would suck. the day was slow enough as it was :S
but, i still went running today :D kept my promise (even though i got home at 5 from orchestra). went once around the park and got bored, so i ran around the block as well...all my homework done too, so i am extremely happy happy happy but pretty damn exhausted
(ps: ben - you guys don't have netball?? its mainly a girls sport, but i thought they had it everywhere...its basically like basketball without dribbling and no backboard on the hoop. once you have the ball, you can't move (you pivot around/pass it elsewhere) which is why i hate it haha, basketball ftw!!)
hurt way more than the first, and last time we had 2 sucked. i half took off my jumper and rolled up my blouse, but the lady told me to unbutton the top of my blouse and stick my shoulder out. i didn't want a needle in my shoulder so i practically half-stripped off my blouse for that purpose >_< thank god its only girls rofl
but guess what =__________________=
i got a needle in my shoulder anyway.
and now my arm and neck are crazy stiff...grr, last time it lasted about a week, then it started bruising for a week...i hope that doesn't happen this time round. though i'm luckier than some, i WATCHED chelsea faint...which made me feel woozy. she fainted last time, so she sat down straight afterwards as a precaution, and from what i saw, she tried to get up (with a cup of water in her hand) and collapsed to the floor (water everywhere). nurses caught her though, but it scared the crap out of me
happy birthday to steph & d, i love you guys :) poor d, immunisations/strings/orchestra on her bday! gahh, that would suck. the day was slow enough as it was :S
but, i still went running today :D kept my promise (even though i got home at 5 from orchestra). went once around the park and got bored, so i ran around the block as well...all my homework done too, so i am extremely happy happy happy but pretty damn exhausted
(ps: ben - you guys don't have netball?? its mainly a girls sport, but i thought they had it everywhere...its basically like basketball without dribbling and no backboard on the hoop. once you have the ball, you can't move (you pivot around/pass it elsewhere) which is why i hate it haha, basketball ftw!!)
Monday, April 14, 2008
exercising pt 2
i think i may as well be an official health freak...i've kept my word on going running every day (well, its only been like 2 days haha)...did my 2 laps as usual, came home fully flushed in the face before showering and eating :D which fully motivated me yet again to do my homework...this rocks *so happy*
diana's bday tomorrow, me and erika gave her a massive strawberry plushie/cushion we bought on sunday :) we were gonna give it tomorrow, but the poor girl has to have strings rehearsal in the morning, injections during the day and orchestra after school :(
ohh and in jap today (had a vocab test as well *thumbs up* all good) the teacher asked me, erika and the taller viv (haha) to go with nicola and anna to do a photoshoot thing for a school brochure promoting...internationalism or something
err, i was all for it until i realised they wanted me/erika/viv cause they thought we were international students (JUST CAUSE WE'RE ASIAN DOESNT MEAN WE CANNOT TALKING GOOD ENGRISH)...then the idea of being in a brochure that was gonna be everywhere started to creep me out so i decided against it. plus the photo session was during house sport and even though i hate netball, i don't really wanna miss it :P
diana's bday tomorrow, me and erika gave her a massive strawberry plushie/cushion we bought on sunday :) we were gonna give it tomorrow, but the poor girl has to have strings rehearsal in the morning, injections during the day and orchestra after school :(
ohh and in jap today (had a vocab test as well *thumbs up* all good) the teacher asked me, erika and the taller viv (haha) to go with nicola and anna to do a photoshoot thing for a school brochure promoting...internationalism or something
err, i was all for it until i realised they wanted me/erika/viv cause they thought we were international students (JUST CAUSE WE'RE ASIAN DOESNT MEAN WE CANNOT TALKING GOOD ENGRISH)...then the idea of being in a brochure that was gonna be everywhere started to creep me out so i decided against it. plus the photo session was during house sport and even though i hate netball, i don't really wanna miss it :P
Saturday, April 12, 2008
blogger templates
okay, so i did as i promised - my book is read, my maths is done and my legs have been running. so i settle down to change the layout of this blog
I CAN'T DO IT =______= i don't understand it...i spent half an hour fixing the code of one that i really liked, and then it tells me it won't work.
so i tried another one, and it says something about widget configuration...i don't understand what that means, but it sounds fixable >< helpppppp
I CAN'T DO IT =______= i don't understand it...i spent half an hour fixing the code of one that i really liked, and then it tells me it won't work.
so i tried another one, and it says something about widget configuration...i don't understand what that means, but it sounds fixable >< helpppppp
Friday, April 11, 2008
exercising is awesome D:
so we had cross country today, and erika & i ran the entire way :D it sucks how the starting line's so narrow, we were at the back of the entire group so we started late and placed furthur back than we should've. some people walked some ran some and placed before us :( and we're not that crap at running ok?! haha, but in all seriousness we were just happy/proud that we didn't walk any of it, and i wasn't as tired as shit at the end of it all.
the whole exercising/endorphins thing is pretty true, cause i was extremely happy for no particular reason for the rest of the day. hello, we had maths, science and ethics in a day and i was as high as anything...not even getting my head around hyperbolas and moles made me depressed haha
so i've decided that i'm officially gonna go for a run every day unless i have orchestra and piano after school. and if i have PE in school
which means i have monday, friday and the weekends....which isn't very much, but i'm gonna see if i can keep my promise
oh and i promise i'll finish reading animal farm and take lots of notes/highlight lots in it :)
the whole exercising/endorphins thing is pretty true, cause i was extremely happy for no particular reason for the rest of the day. hello, we had maths, science and ethics in a day and i was as high as anything...not even getting my head around hyperbolas and moles made me depressed haha
so i've decided that i'm officially gonna go for a run every day unless i have orchestra and piano after school. and if i have PE in school
which means i have monday, friday and the weekends....which isn't very much, but i'm gonna see if i can keep my promise
oh and i promise i'll finish reading animal farm and take lots of notes/highlight lots in it :)
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
day 2
so the day kicked off with me waking up thinking it was the weekend...i was celebrating to myself by sleeping in cause i quit chinese school this term....when i suddenly jumped out thinking SHIT ITS WEDNESDAY!!!!!111twothree!!@$
i hate that. rest of the day was bleh, good to be home with not much to do except some jap vocab to learn
ps. ben - yeah we say maths instead of math lol
i hate that. rest of the day was bleh, good to be home with not much to do except some jap vocab to learn
ps. ben - yeah we say maths instead of math lol
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
first day back
everything seems all good today, mainly cause i had no maths or science :) almost finished watching philadelphia in ethics, good movie
not much else to say but if you guys haven't already heard of greg holden (singer), do check him out...he's amazing:
Choking on the Concrete
The Art of Falling
those are my favourites, hope you guys enjoy his music as much as i do. and i hope i didn't accidentally mix those 2 links up =/
not much else to say but if you guys haven't already heard of greg holden (singer), do check him out...he's amazing:
Choking on the Concrete
The Art of Falling
those are my favourites, hope you guys enjoy his music as much as i do. and i hope i didn't accidentally mix those 2 links up =/
Monday, April 7, 2008
the plus side was i did all my homework :D so min came over around lunchtime and we made a video, which i'll keep you updated on once its uploaded (at this rate i'm not gonna get any sleep...)
after lunch we went to mc one last timee with erika (of course haha), but this time we actually shopped instead of bummed. well, min shopped and we were being sheep and followed. she bouuught 2 scarves (one of those triangle ones that guys wear lol, but it looks good surprisingly), new thongs finally!! except we're so used to seeing her in dirty white ones that any of the new ones look so strange on her... (for those from elsewhere reading this, thongs are um....flip-flops? not underwear haha) and if she had more money she'd buy another shirt and new shoes but she already owes erika like $50...
so i hope you all have a great week...and i hope i dont get inundated with schoolwork...bye!
the plus side was i did all my homework :D so min came over around lunchtime and we made a video, which i'll keep you updated on once its uploaded (at this rate i'm not gonna get any sleep...)
after lunch we went to mc one last timee with erika (of course haha), but this time we actually shopped instead of bummed. well, min shopped and we were being sheep and followed. she bouuught 2 scarves (one of those triangle ones that guys wear lol, but it looks good surprisingly), new thongs finally!! except we're so used to seeing her in dirty white ones that any of the new ones look so strange on her... (for those from elsewhere reading this, thongs are um....flip-flops? not underwear haha) and if she had more money she'd buy another shirt and new shoes but she already owes erika like $50...
so i hope you all have a great week...and i hope i dont get inundated with schoolwork...bye!
Sunday, April 6, 2008
slacked off with work today haha, no surprise. though i wish i got it all done, cause i wanna go out tomorrow before the holidays end for good :(
gonna try a bit of maths, cause i can't seem to answer the questions for business studies...can you guys help?
1) Are babies allowed in court?
2) Are children allowed in court?
3) What are judges?
so i can do the last one, but wtf is with the first 2...yeah they're stupid questions cause the class came up with them haha :P
gonna try a bit of maths, cause i can't seem to answer the questions for business studies...can you guys help?
1) Are babies allowed in court?
2) Are children allowed in court?
3) What are judges?
so i can do the last one, but wtf is with the first 2...yeah they're stupid questions cause the class came up with them haha :P
Saturday, April 5, 2008
being productive
finished a lot of my homework :D though i have to write a speech for the concert i gotta host again tomorrow...obviously i put that off til the last minute, ill that tomorrow
dalight savings is starting at 3am today, meaning IM GONNA GET AN EXTRA HOURS SLEEP. well not really, cause i'm going to bed an hour later than usual...meaning i'll get the normal amount of sleep i usually do. pshhh
ok, horoscopes are seriously scaring me now
"time spent learning something new is always time well spent - so focus your free time today on feeding your brain"
dalight savings is starting at 3am today, meaning IM GONNA GET AN EXTRA HOURS SLEEP. well not really, cause i'm going to bed an hour later than usual...meaning i'll get the normal amount of sleep i usually do. pshhh
ok, horoscopes are seriously scaring me now
"time spent learning something new is always time well spent - so focus your free time today on feeding your brain"
Thursday, April 3, 2008
so today i got to catch up with steph and susan FINALLY and we went to spotlight (which steph thought had mysteriously disappeared and closed down, but her brain was being a knob :D) to stock up on materials and ribbons etc...went back to her house and talked/made plushies for like 3 hours :) i made a cake!! for vivs birthday, cause i owe you a present :) it has a V dangling off it toooo!!

and i made a really ugly looking apple that steph took haha, it was australia-shaped instead of apple-shaped =/ and the stem and leaf had issues (the leaf was finger shaped), so i tied them together with ribbon haha
oh and if you're wondering, i made the cake out of flannel LOL so...pj cakes yaay haha. it was $4 a metre and i got ribbons to match :D

i love spotlight. though now i am 100% broke, not a single cent :( speaking of broke, my horoscope for today is super accurate... "Try to remove financial transactions from all of your relationship dynamics today - money will only bring you controversy and conflict"
and after the science vs relgion debate, my horoscope was something like "God believes in you, but do you believe in God? You may be confused for the next few days blahblah"
(ps, random quotes for my memories sake:
"...bros before hos...skanks before wanks?!?! chicks befor dicks you idiot :)"
"we're making carrots out of felt :) ....felt?! thats a verb =/"
" have scarf on your teeth"
(pps, and we belted out songs with piano/guitar for an hour or two after dinner as well :) ...huge list of songs, we filmed it all though haha, though ive been sworn not to show it to anyone...hahahah)
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
having a god awful day
so my day started off really great and all, went to chaddy for some shopping cause i wanted/needed winter clothes :) i ended up getting a tshirt and a bonds hoodie, mum bought a whole bunch of stuff...anyway, that would be like, the best thing that happened all day cause everything went downhill after that
we left chaddy, mum was in a rush cause she's a pretty impatient basically she turned a corner too fast and ended up going really fast up a curb and smashing into a car which made that car smash into another car =__= smooooth. we were all kinda numb from shock, but everyone was ok thank god. had to help mum handle it all cause her english isn't that great, but a really nice girl stopped and helped us so much with it all :) cant be bothered saying much about it, but the shock wore off and my head's been hurting a bit since...
along with that, the weather has been terrible, one of the windiest days ever i think. trees were falling over and the electricity cut out in a lot of places. had a piano lesson afterwards in the dark, which wasn't so nice cause i had a headache already...blah
and i almost passed out from lack of food, cause my teeth have been hurting and i cant eat too i'm back to mashed spuds and soup.
well, i suppose life could be worse :)
we left chaddy, mum was in a rush cause she's a pretty impatient basically she turned a corner too fast and ended up going really fast up a curb and smashing into a car which made that car smash into another car =__= smooooth. we were all kinda numb from shock, but everyone was ok thank god. had to help mum handle it all cause her english isn't that great, but a really nice girl stopped and helped us so much with it all :) cant be bothered saying much about it, but the shock wore off and my head's been hurting a bit since...
along with that, the weather has been terrible, one of the windiest days ever i think. trees were falling over and the electricity cut out in a lot of places. had a piano lesson afterwards in the dark, which wasn't so nice cause i had a headache already...blah
and i almost passed out from lack of food, cause my teeth have been hurting and i cant eat too i'm back to mashed spuds and soup.
well, i suppose life could be worse :)
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
OH MY GOSH i found trackies that aren't fluoro! and don't have hugeass writing!!
dobsons on glenferrie rd for those of you who were as frustrated as i :) i can't believe i didn't think of that place though, its where all the schools get their uniforms i think?! they have millions of colours, min wanted to get fluoro green but her parents would probably have a heart attack if she did...heck, i would have a heart attack if she did. i was tossing up between navy and grey (cause i have like 3 pairs of grey pants) and the navy made me look funny so...grey. again :P

dobsons on glenferrie rd for those of you who were as frustrated as i :) i can't believe i didn't think of that place though, its where all the schools get their uniforms i think?! they have millions of colours, min wanted to get fluoro green but her parents would probably have a heart attack if she did...heck, i would have a heart attack if she did. i was tossing up between navy and grey (cause i have like 3 pairs of grey pants) and the navy made me look funny so...grey. again :P
waarrm <3
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