and i made a really ugly looking apple that steph took haha, it was australia-shaped instead of apple-shaped =/ and the stem and leaf had issues (the leaf was finger shaped), so i tied them together with ribbon haha
oh and if you're wondering, i made the cake out of flannel LOL so...pj cakes yaay haha. it was $4 a metre and i got ribbons to match :D

i love spotlight. though now i am 100% broke, not a single cent :( speaking of broke, my horoscope for today is super accurate... "Try to remove financial transactions from all of your relationship dynamics today - money will only bring you controversy and conflict"
and after the science vs relgion debate, my horoscope was something like "God believes in you, but do you believe in God? You may be confused for the next few days blahblah"
(ps, random quotes for my memories sake:
"...bros before hos...skanks before wanks?!?! chicks befor dicks you idiot :)"
"we're making carrots out of felt :) ....felt?! thats a verb =/"
"steph..you have scarf on your teeth"
(pps, and we belted out songs with piano/guitar for an hour or two after dinner as well :) ...huge list of songs, we filmed it all though haha, though ive been sworn not to show it to anyone...hahahah)
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