Friday, April 11, 2008

exercising is awesome D:

so we had cross country today, and erika & i ran the entire way :D it sucks how the starting line's so narrow, we were at the back of the entire group so we started late and placed furthur back than we should've. some people walked some ran some and placed before us :( and we're not that crap at running ok?! haha, but in all seriousness we were just happy/proud that we didn't walk any of it, and i wasn't as tired as shit at the end of it all.

the whole exercising/endorphins thing is pretty true, cause i was extremely happy for no particular reason for the rest of the day. hello, we had maths, science and ethics in a day and i was as high as anything...not even getting my head around hyperbolas and moles made me depressed haha

so i've decided that i'm officially gonna go for a run every day unless i have orchestra and piano after school. and if i have PE in school

which means i have monday, friday and the weekends....which isn't very much, but i'm gonna see if i can keep my promise

oh and i promise i'll finish reading animal farm and take lots of notes/highlight lots in it :)


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