Wednesday, December 5, 2007

urban week 5 - sydney!

delayed blog, but here we go...

5 weeks went by way too quickly...wish we could do it all over again...or at least extend the sydney trip. or go on trek. or something :P anything but classroomness

so *backtracks* we boarded a train to sydney from southern cross...which was delayed 40 minutes, meaning we sat around using up our train entertainment before we were on the actual train. the trip took 10 and a half hours, and needless to say...we got bored really quickly. memories of brooke putting a smelly shoe in our faces i shall remember forever :P when we got to sydney, it was stinking hot but we still had a shortish walk to our backpackers hostel. we mustve been living near chinatown, because there was a shocking amount of asians there xD hahahaha, min was happy about that...we got to our "home", some showered and we hit the bed at 11pm. Most of us pulled down our mattresses and slept on the floor, i woke up with one buttcheek on each of erika's knees :D

the next morning it was pretty crap weather, so we spent around 3 hours in QVB doing a bit of shopping and looking around. i bought a shirt for $6 which i've seen in tbar for $40 LOL. and 2 tank tops, one black and one white...$3 each, so i cut holes in the black one and wore it over the white :] it's SKINTIGHT and its size 16 O___o i tried on a 10 and 12 and i couldn't get my head through LOL. anyways, so after QVB we walked to the aquarium to check out the fishes :] we named a seal jeffry (he swam in the same circle for 15 minutes) and some sharks bruce (nemo!), margaret, antonio and mrs bruce :P then we got high off 30cm dory's... silly viv. after the aquarium, we ferried to the opera house where i bumped into my mum and dad hahaha. the opera house is beautiful, but the interior is nowhere near as nice as the melbourne arts centre (yet). that pretty much ended day 2, the weather was too bad to do anything really =/

day 3 was heaps fun, the weather was awesome and we went to Taronga Zoo! again, we took a ferry (its like the sydney version of trams :P) and then a cable car to the top. had a look at koalas, nocturnal animals, birds, tassie devils, bears, peacocks, orangatangs, gorillas, elephants and thats pretty much all i can remember O__o we watched the bird show though, which was AMAZING <3 got back to the ferry pier a tad late, but min and amanda almost made us miss the 1pm ferry =___= we got back to the harbour and group B went to the jet boat ride while group A (us) had an hour or so free time. we checked out wildlife world, which was better than the aquarium and zoo...more interactice and butterflies :P at 3:30, we switched and had our go on the jet boat, which was SO FUN. basically you get into a poncho (i didn't), hop into this crazy boat and go for spins and turns and get completely drenched. we dried out on the boardwalk afterwards, leaving boob and bum prints on the wood :D once we got home and had a chance to properly shower, we went on the monorail at night time (i missed the chasers, but the hotel didn't have ABC anyway)...we had more fun singing and listening to brooke sing about teachers *cough* instead of actually looking at the views :P i think day 3 was the night when brooke broke the top bunk bed as well, which (along with their room wanting to stay up all night) got our thursday free time taken away and had the teachers make us clean our rooms...

so yeah, day 4 was cleaning our room a bit, which was fine and didn't ruin my day :P day 4 was my personal favourite, we climbed the pylon of the harbour bridge!!! 200 steps, not that hard at all...the harder part was the walkway TO the pylon, hahah. the weather was really hot and sam and I realised the walkway was where the chasers were for a sketch so we took a photo :P the views from the top of the pylon was amazing, you could even see john howards house (or kevin rudds or whatever...) after the climb, we ferried to manly and stayed at the beach til around 4, which was AWESOME. i got a bit burnt but i'm all good now :] i have terrible tan lines now...theres a triangle from my urban shirt, a longer triangle from my swimsuit, a curve from my tank top, 2 lines on each shoulder from the tank top and...A RANDOM LINE FROM CARRYING MY BAG HAHA. its pretty weird :] after manly, we earned our free time back and we met with ding and his mates for karaoke :D :D :D we tried pranking them but it screwed up, partly my fault and partly mins fault....i don't even know what the prank was actually =/ but yeah. so we went to karaoke and completely sung my voice out, it was hella fun. i've lost my voice now, but cmon, totally worth it *BECAUSE OF YOUUUUUUUU* dinner time came around and we went through trouble to get permission for ding to come, but meh. the bad part was sam being bullied about it from a teacher afterwards LOL *so where's your friend :] ......what friend O__o shes my friend?* centrepoint tower finished off the day and week and we went to bed at the usual time

final day was jsut a pack up, we got disturbed in the morning by a random lady who i thought was brooke pranking us. she was from perth and was asking for a bed to hop into, and we're all like WHAT THE HELL etcetc. luckily she woke us, it was 5 minutes til breakfast :] and we got the room sorted and all was good. we left for the airport soon after and after a REALLY short hourlong trip, we arrived in melbourne.

and that's that :] will post again soon, gotta piano lesson =__=


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