Wednesday, December 5, 2007

piano concert & etc

so back to normal now, had the annual concert 2 days after i got back from sydney =__= i cant believe my teacher expected me to still do a solo, plus i wasn't really bothered practicing :P but yeah, all went well on the night anyway :] the little kids are so adorable, its kinda hard to believe i used to be so small and noob, but so proud to be playing twinkle twinkle little star or whatever. we were high after the concert, especially megan who wanted to play gang up tiggy. yao thought it would be fun to play "find megan a boyfriend" lmao. poor kevin, who probably thinks megan likes him now........LOL

anyways, so that's over and proper school started on monday. we did reflecting (which was stupid, cause the OEG site logged me out randomly and i lost my entire post reflection) for most of the day and organised who was going to do what on presentation night. tuesday was working on our presentations (which i will upload soon to show the world :P). my macbook was running out of battery (i thought we were ending at 1:30 so i didn't bring my charger) and i called mum to bring my charger. she was confused and i told her to bring the 2 white ones. she stupidly brought both of my identical ipod chargers =___= so i sent her back to get the macbook one lmfao. poor mum. thanks :D then we spent ages converting and burning it to a dvd. i guess it was all worth it in the end, presentation night was great :] the trekkers made their journey sound so exciting, but i guess we all know we had an amazing time on urban. we just suck at making exciting things sound more exciting :]

and today was our last day. SO MANY PEOPLE ARE LEAVING!! vic, jae, jess & em, danae, alex, simone, anneliese, liv and thea (i think). damn. i'll miss them all so much, even though i guess i was only close to jae and vic :( :( :(

so now its holidays and i'll be bumming around a lot. ohyeah, i'm still really pissed about monday, i was meant to go to luna park with min and kiki but mum called right when we were leaving and was like DONT GO ITS POURING. so i went home, and it DIDN'T RAIN AT ALL FOR THE REST OF THE DAY. and i was free on tuesday and they went somewhere AND I DIDN'T KNOW ABOTU IT. and they were going to chaddy after school today and I CAN'T GOT CAUSE OF PIANO. thankfully i can probably go iceskating next week cause i wont be at lorne on the same day. jesus freaking christ =__=

anyways, happy holidays everyone :] be good


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