Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Ohmygod I swear next semester I will:
  • Show up to all lectures (pretty good at doing this now though)
  • Not fall asleep during lectures
  • Not abuse uni wireless and download phone apps
  • Not play on said apps during lectures
  • Print out notes for the week over the weekend
  • Use these notes during lectures and actively listen
  • Revise and reread lecture info afterwards...or at least on the train ride home

MASS REGRET FOR NOT DOING ALL OF THIS STUFF THIS SEMESTER :( I was happily like "oh all I need to do is pass!" until I was kindly reminded that first year counts towards my GPA if I wanna get into post-grad med. I think it's time to drop out and be homeless now.


1 comment:

Linda said...

i fell asleep in most of my morning lectures during my first semester of college! a friend and i had to take turns poking each other to stay awake in intro psych. good thing first semester was pass/fail.