Anyway so we're already 1/4 of the way through 2011, how fast was that :( Midsemester tests are over, chem was aced and bio was horrible...on the flip side, our new bio lecturer kept me awake for the first time in 3 weeks! Yay! He's actually so awesome, pacing around the whole lecture theatre spontaneously quizzing people and talking in a permanently ":D!" voice. Plus, we've moved on from plants to animals so it's finally the biology I *want* to do. So hopefully I won't fail this unit now haha...
I think/like to think I've found the balance between social events and studying...couple of weeks ago was the Monash ASEAN lounge night which I actually had fun at and met lotssss of people :)

And the other night there was a night market at uni which was SO packed so all we did was hang around in the dark for a few hours...prior to that was some solid goss sesh over coffee with the girls!
I've figured you get bombarded with so many new people at uni every day (I'm literally meeting at least 1 new person per day) that it's really nice just to chill out with 1 or 2 people...or even have some alone time. I started my psych assignment, which involved having to watch the sunset...I thought I'd be really bored so I brought along some headphones, but it was nice to just sit there with my thoughts and watch people :D (is that creepy?)
HOWEVER! I am still very bored with life...I figured out last night that this could be because I don't play piano anymore? I feel like I have no goals and no distractions (in a bad way) since I have no music related performance/exam anxiety and things like that. So maybe I'll go to the piano later today - after I finish at least 500 words of this psych essay! MUST REACH THIS GOAL AND FEEL SATISFIED :(
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