Saturday, March 5, 2011

longest week of my life

So uni's not as amazing as I expected =/ partly cos making friends is tiring, keeping friends is even more tiring, not seeing familiar faces all the time is strange, going a day without seeing a familiar face is upsetting, not understanding anything in biology is frustrating...the list goes on. It's not that I'm having a terrible time, I think I just built up uni to be AWESOMEEEE in my head and's really not. The week went by SOOO SLOOOOWLY, and after Wednesday's rock bottom of being sad, it went by even more slowly =____= I think the thing I hate the most is the fact that everyone's breaks rarely coincide, so even if I've made a new friend, they're rushing off to calculus while I have 2 hours to chill. With nobody.

Nah okay it's not that horrible. The good part is I'm becoming closer to the friends I used to be vaguely acquainted with, and I'm getting better at accepting it when people literally turn away from me when I say hi. This shouldn't happen more than once but it's happened 3 my face scary .___. ? I guess it's also good to know people get too busy for you so they semi-cut you out of their lives...makes me realise that I can do better (among other things) even if it initially hurts like crap. And the amount of public transport is SOOOOO time consuming :(

I miss high school.



wightslayer said...

It'll get better, I promise <3

Hang in there!
Or change to my course. LOL.

Linda said...

don't take ANYTHING personally and always be brave! people can be so self-absorbed and downright awkward, so kudos to you for even reaching out and saying "hi"...
<3 you.