Wednesday, November 24, 2010

heat, pollen & boredom

Today marks the first day when I've started to feel bored with lack of school (not complaining, just saying :P). Nowhere to go because it's too bloody hot/windy and hayfever is through the roof.

Went to the pool yesterday to actually swim laps...probably did around 100m before my arms were exhausted, but the pressure of Susan & other fast people in my lane pushed me to about 1km before I yelled to PLEASE STOP, CAN WE JUST TAN?! Changed outta the bathers into a bikini, and to my horror I had this terrifying circle tan on my back that was kinda grey in colour because of sunscreen...I think it's faded out now, but judging by my white ass I got blacker anyway.

Mum talked me out of going to Susan's after dinner, so instead I did some massive redecorating - for the few youtubers who follow me here (I swear I will make a video soon!) you might be sad to see the Oosp poster finally retire...

but it's a welcome change for me seeing as post-school life is changing so much now :) plus, I will neverrr get bored staring at my wall anymore!

I think I'll go to Susan's later in the comfort of mum's airconditioned and freefrompollen car and just watch DVDs. ANYTHING to get me out of this house/off the computer


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