Sunday, October 17, 2010


Feeling really strange over the fact that high school is finally ending. On one hand I've been looking forward to this day since...well let's face it, pretty much since I was born. Funny to think that there's a life beyond Year 12, and I'm almost there

After talking to some friends last night about post-exam plans, I realised that a lot of the people I care about in my life are probably not gonna be around very often after Year 12 :( Lots of people applying to go interstate and would seriously consider going if they got in...sad. Like it's great that they're chasing their goals and they know what they want, but I'm personally way too unstable to leave Melbourne :P Knowing that these friends have planned all the way to life *beyond* uni freaks me out sometimes, since I can barely tackle my goals one at a time...priority right now is getting into uni at all hahaha

Dad asked me about going interstate (not that he understands much about all of this :P) and it's like...well uni is a big enough change as it is, I don't think I'd enjoy the thrill of being in somewhere unfamiliar with unfamiliar people. It's like Year 7 all over again O__O I guess I know what I ultimately want to do...I don't exactly have a clue how to get there, but I know that I'll find my way, right?


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