"And as our year finally draws to a close, it starts to sink in...that soon we will see the end. The future is near, not always so clear, we're grateful for each day we have..."
I can't believe it is actually over...13 years of school, from primary school to year 12 I've sure had some incredible memories. Regardless of the stupid school cancelling things and restricting our celebrations, today was amazing. Breakfast at Giorgios, dominating the tram on the way back to school, final house assembly, final school assembly ft a hilarious year 12 video, singing, baby photos and random interviews...plus the thrill of cutting up your dress and getting it signed knowing that you don't have another dress to wear for exams (oops HAHA). Chips at central park in the sun with the year level...yeah some people were off their faces by this point. at 1pm? what haha
I definately wont miss the early mornings, the boring classes, the sacs, the pressure...but I will sure as hell miss seeing everyone in my year level, laughing at ridiculous things...when else in your life will teachers willingly dress up in stupid outfits and dance around? I can't even begin expressing my memories in words, but at the same time I feel like if I don't write it all down, someday I'll forget it all. There are people that you don't really know, sometimes don't even say hi to...and you know you'll see them in the future only at reunions. There are people that aren't in your friendship group and you don't have many classes with, but you know that you can talk to them and all you can do is hope that you won't fall out of touch.
And then there's the best friends that you've shared EVERYTHING with, and they have been with you every step of the way. You know you'll definately hang out with them a lot in the future, but sometimes you wonder if the new friends you make in uni will push away some of the time you can spend with them? That's really...emo/clingy of me ahahha, because I'm really excited to make new friends at the same time :D
I don't know what else to say, there isn't much I can physically study tonight...it's all too overwhelming :( but my room definately needs to be tidied, it looks like I smeared jam onto every inch of my table. Except instead of jam, it's books and paper
"Two thousand and ten...what a year"