Saturday, March 27, 2010

happy birthday viv

(to prevent stalkers, this is the only nice photo I can safely upload because some people were in school uniform...haha)

Totally bummed that I missed on on the SURPRISE! part of the surprise party, but it was fun anyway. Just your usual gathering - eating maryland (LOL), stalking people on facebook, attempting to photograph things in crappy light conditions, setting things on fire and such...

...I can't believe term 1 is over =/ a stressful term ahead and an INSANELY busy *study vacation*, but only 2 terms left of school...hooooly crappp!

things to do:
  • Tidy my room hahahhahahaha
  • Organise a holiday homework timetable
  • Catch up on methods exercises, do revision stack and the assignment
  • A whole stack of psych revision papers, checkpoints etc
  • English language analysis psh
  • Rewrite and memorise jap oral
  • UMAT prep...fml
  • Write the year 12 song with e and d, and general jamming with d :D
  • Make 180 formal invitations with s and v
  • Diana's 18th
  • Steph's 18th (ie "lets study together. and then like, eat or something."
  • Irene's 18th?


Thursday, March 25, 2010

conferring of diplomas, and then some

...nice shot there gran :P

Pretty boring event...way wayy too formal to stay awake throughout with all the hat tipping and unnecessary addressing =__= The funner part was watching the performances (why are all the little people such MUSIC FREAKS! omg) and catching up with old friends! Really good to see Angelica again after so many years...8 years I think?

Again with the creepy factor - there were people there that I have seen in my lifetime/know their name but never actually spoken to =/ It's a small world when you do music...even more so for Angelica cos she's in all those music group things so she literally knew EVERY lmus pianist ahh what a freak ahaha

Also got a chance to talk to Michael there and ask him to come to formal with me, so I'm all ready to go...just gotta talk details on pres at my place and afters at (?)'s place. Looks like we're going with no limo cos there's just toooo freakin many people and not enough money :( My list of people for pres is sitting on a 15 (provided sam eventually talks to the hot guy and ian definately comes with panda...and claude doesnt invite himself wth). Mum's happy to do a bit of food/biscuits and Julia's happy to bring the drinks for the ladieeees so the guys are just gonna have to suck it.


Sunday, March 21, 2010

community day

Wasn't so bad.

The service made me sleepy, manning the gate for 2 hours handing out programs/raffle tickets made my back sore and I got sunburnt in a shocking place.


but apart from that...the food was yum, music was good, I took some good photos and looked at some cool historical stuff about our school. the occasional old lady tell me about having holes in their gloves back in the day or something

So my diploma cemerony tomorrow won't be particularly attractive with a burn like that, but once the stole is on it should be hidden =__= hopefully it won't tan by the time formal rolls around


Wednesday, March 17, 2010

judgement and stalking

So in my spare periods I like to nothing and mostly gossip with Sam :D and by gossip, we literally talk about the same thing in a new way - bitch about mutual friends, dish dirt on nonmutual friends, complain about something/anything/everything, dig into each other's love life and so on HAHAHA yknow, girly thingssss. We're not being mean or anything, just need to get it out of our system cos my excuse for everything is IT'S YEAR 12.

But the other day, we were being really judgemental about someone. Can't remember what it was, but it was something petty like...that chick's has weird...eyebrows or something I dunno BUT ANYWAY


I feel like some shithead little kid is sitting amongst everyone, slouching in their seat, twirling their hair and thinking "what. a. retard." In my mind, everyone is sitting there judging me whilst I embarrass myself because I can't ad lib to save my life. I don't know how to be funny or entertain people. I can BE funny sometimes but that just comes out naturally; it's not like I script my life out like I do in assembly =/

But whatever, continuing on...

So Sam and I were facebook stalking people etc, then we came to realise that someone else could be doing the exact same thing about us D: Like there's people on facebook you always see tagged in photos so you eventually know their name but the thing is you've never freakin met them in real life so you feel like a pedo

Either I'm alone here, but I've randomly seen people on the street that I actually recognise from fb. And this has happened more than twice. IS MELBOURNE REALLY THAT SMALL?

ps ALSO, FORMAL IS STRESSING ME OUT =__= SHOULD I HIRE A LIMO&GET HAIR AND MAKEUP DONE AND NOT BRING A DATE, OR BRING A DATE BUT NO LIMO/HAIR/MAKEUP? I am so not doing both. $90 a ticket is way way too much, and $90 for makeup is also way wayy too much. I have been told leave it to fate but I CAN'T HANDLE LEAVING IT TO FATE LOL

Saturday, March 13, 2010

hey ANGEL...

It's always awkward being invited to a party of someone you're not really friends with...what do you do? You don't go, then feel bad because 50 other people aren't going? You go just to be polite?

So I go because I'm nice like that.

You rock up in costumes and realise that nobody else really dressed up as hardcore as you did. Random girl comes up to you and goes "YOU PLAY THE FLUTE DON'T YOU!" and you spend the rest of the night thinking she has a 6th sense because you've never seen her in your life.

You freakin run away from her.

Then what, you sit in an anti-social corner all night with 8 other anti-social people social together? Funny stories are swapped, pizza is notsogracefully eaten and gross drinks are drunk (someone dilute that craaaaaaap) but this can only be fun for so long...

People start leaving, one chick hooks up with all the guys there (a grand total of three), cake is eaten (or not eaten because of the sickness due to the gross drink) and photos are taken (or bombed) and at the end of the night everyone in your anti-social corner has gone home except one (ilyviv), so you stand there awkwardly being eaten by mozzies while a retard starts dancing up to you and you shun him.

A ride home doesn't come soon enough, and you spend the next half hour getting lost taking a "short cut" but car ride conversations are always fun ;D

So then when you get hope the next party 1ups this one by a mile.


Saturday, March 6, 2010


So Year 12 really isn't much harder than Year's just the fact that you can NEVER have a "slack off" moment. My brain has been switched on and BAMBAMBAM since day one and I am so exhausteddd - to think it's only been 26 school days since we started =/

Halfway through our English SAC analysis thingo, going well :) Methods SAC on Friday, went horribly but sounded like everyone didn't do so great free was so damn hard! Chem SAC every fortnight, managing the best I can...Psych SAC this Tuesday so I'll have to cram all long weekend

Apparently Chiba sensei has a nerve problem and is temporarily paralysed =/ she's gonna be away from school indefinately so SHIBATA SENSEI IS BAAACK! She JUUST went back to Japan with 100kg of luggage shipped across, and came back to Melbourne 3 days later on a $6000 plane ticket. LOVE. HER! So seeing as we're currently completely inadequate in Japanese, our SAC is being delayed :D Day 1, Year 12 Japanese officially commences NOW. hahaha

Not long til the formal either, it still shits me a little when all the Year 11's are talking about it...GET YA OWN FORMAL GOSHH! I'm all sorted out in terms of dress/shoes/hair/makeup, just gotta decide if I wanna take a date or not cos it looked pretty boring/awkward for the some of the dates last year...


biggest freakin hail ever ahaha


Monday, March 1, 2010

yeah, sick

Biro's warning turned out to be true, I'm sick :( Very pissed about that cos I finally had some freedom this weekend, so I could go to a party on Saturday night and go to Belle's on Sunday to pick a dress...but with a sore throat and a screwed up sinus, I pretty much cancelled on everything (including methods tutoring - the only bonus LOL) and tried to recover asap

Which didn't work cos I pretty much got progressively worse

BUT I'm not the only one, which makes me feel better :D Sam's sick too, but her sickness started on Friday, and her voice is all scratchy today - meaning I'll be like her tomorrow :(

To top it all off, I have to audition for orchestra tomorrow, wtf. Not to be up my ass about it but asif she's not gonna let the music captain be in orchestra.
