Sam&Tam's party was really fun, mostly cos everyone at school I care about was there :) so it was good to see them all, eat food and dip chips into the wrong dips (Viv). There was some guitar hero, extreme uno, foosball, a piano, loud music and dancing...Lisa and Amanda taught Erika and me their dance from NYSF (who knew they would dance at nerd camp?) and I'm pretty sure I was laughing the whole way through it.
Funniest part was when Min was convinced some guy had a 6 pack and was trying to get him to flash it at us, but then Eric came along and was like I HAVE A 6 PACK and got a texta and drew 6 rectangles on his body...under the belly button? HAHA.
Erika made an amazing gingerbread house for them and it tasted sooo goood! Viv's Ronaldo soccer jersey cake also tasted amazing but after diving it into about 30 slices, Eric said it looked like diarrhea with blood in it =_____________= and he HAD to say that when it was in my mouth...ahh :( So at the end of the night I had consumed WAY too much sugar and now my skin has suffered the consequences...I also took like 3 photos, so I'm relying on someone elses camera for photos of that amazing gingerbread houseee!
* * *
Bridge Rd with Steph and Susan today :) Went to Steph's place first and Chris had a WHOOOLE bunch of friends over...that kid has grown up wayyy too quickly! We left the house before all of them did, but ended up waiting at the tram stop for half an hour, and the rest of them caught up to us by the time the tram came. I didn't buy anything (because I'm broke and I'm leeching off mum) but had a good browse anyway...probs gonna go back to help Lisa look for formal dresses soon :)
We ended up in the city, took some photos at photoworld (it bothers me that there's 5...the OCD in me wants to fill that last gap argh)

aand a tribute to 2007
...and Susan bought some heels at Scooter. She had to go home because Ben and Andy were coming over, so Steph and I ate out at a cafe and bitched about school, music, guys, girls and all that gossipy stuff...we so didn't feel like going home afterwards but here I am full of pizza, avoiding homework and looking for sheet music from the TV/movie Madeline :) so far no success but we'll see...
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