What have I been up to/so busy with this week?
...not very much. As in, I can't remember what I've been doing, but I think I was fairly busy? Last night we had our annual Christmas piano concert for the Royal Childrens' Hospital, which was a success (I think). Last year we raised over $2000 so hopefully we can top it this year :D Susan hosted it with some name pronouncing errors...Jacky seems to suck at spelling peoples' names, making me look stupid when there's errors in the program that I made =__=. There was this ADORABLE little boy who wore suspenders and a bowtie, and playing a violin duet with this little cellist girl and stuffed up twice and got all flustered...SO DANG CUTE OH MY GOSHH

I performed last :| wwhhhhyyyy mmmeeeee, it wasn't even a WOO FINALE kinda song, I mean come on..Clair de Lune REALLY? But it went well...wait yeah that's what I was so busy with this week, PIANO. Here's a photo of the awesomethree, est. 1998...I love how 12 years on, the first thing we do after concerts (apart from eat food before it disappears) is get changed out of our damn dresses...and then cop it cos we're still wearing makeup and look stupid anyway
I think other than piano I've actually done nothing :| Went out with Ian again some time last week and he got me chocolate WOOOO...it's almost sad how easy I am to please haha. Lack of activity this week aside, SCHOOOOOOLIES TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Watch this space (and pray for good weather)...