Saturday, June 13, 2009

music'd out

Got up seriously early (okay, 8am) to watch the Piano Landmarks at Melba Hall :) 2 performers pulled out cos of sickness/injury, which was a shame because they had to change the programme :( I wanted to hear Bach's Goldberg Variations but the pianist was really I heard something random instead (Fantasie and Fugue I think)

But anyways, it was a major struggle to stay awake...not because it was boring, but because it was fricken early and I can't sit still for an hour and a half without moving =__=

Got a lift home with Megan, dropped her off at State and then listened to her mum bitch about her all the way home HAHA

Crammed in some lunch and went straight to Mrgeneralknowledgeman for some AHH SAVE MY LMUS ASS!!

He was exactly as he was on the phone - proud and extremeeeellly knowledgeable D: It was so hard keeping up!!

"That's the inversion of the 2nd chord of the relative major of the dominant"


Fark. hahahaha...he's friends with my music teacher & knows my examiners...AND he's a VCE piano examiner so he had to get my student number D: he can't examine me cos he's taught me blahblah...

Also gave me a whole folder of notes...gotta do a lot of bedtime reading :(

He charges $70 an hour, went an hour overtime but said $70 was fine :D awesomeeee...the cheapass asian in my appreciates this very much!!!! + the notes...wooooh!

word of the day
eminently - in a prominent manner

1 comment:

Unknown said...

dropped by in boredom late at night to say i can't believe caroline almonte didn't play! she was so excited about it at piano class at uni... :(