Then stick the 2 clips next to each other and see how...different your lives are?
Everyone's lives are so samesame, but different and I guess I find that interesting :) I was just thinking how it's 4:30pm and I'm back from school, had food and a shower and I'm ready to tackle homework, but some of my friends would have barely made it home by 4:30pm*
I was also wondering what I'd look like with a straight, thick fringe...and whether my weak/soft hair can handle it hahaha. Some people (white people) look great but others (asians) just look tacky (it's the whole bowlcut thing we stereotypically live with as kids). Plus my forehead gets really greasy every day so ewww :(
random - what's with the apple in the corner?

(*I think about weird shit while I shower okay!)
The whole camera following idea sounds interesting. I actually wouldn't object to being followed for a whole day just to compare lives.
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