We left the house after lunch and spent the rest of the day in the house...just relaxing, wasting time etc :) I think I ended up playing Monopoly with Annette for the whole afternoon, then going for a walk down to the pier at sunset :D Annette was "disabled" coz she fell over (I think she flipped over a fence by accident somehow), but she made a HUGE deal out of it and would refuse to bend her legs at all =/ it wasn't THAT bad...
The weather on Day 2 was kinda sucky, but it was nice before lunch so we ate out :D I had a massive meal which was basically like a pizza but with chicken as the base instead of pizzabasestuff...Mum and I walked it off afterwards, coz there's some nice shops along the beach. I had to pick up some earplugs coz I failed at sleeping in the same room as Annette and Grandma (loud snoring anyone?). When we got back home, Dad decided to drive us around the peninsula but it started pouring and it was just a waste of time...Annette made a mermaid in the sand :D
Yesterdaaay was the most action packed I reckon, the guys who are helping out with building our house came over with their families and we had a bbq in Sorrento for lunch :) I didn't eat much coz the cooker was SO SLOW (electric...). I started cooking at my hash browns and meats...until Frank found a faster cooker furthur down, so we migrated ALL the meats and they were done pretty quick :D Everyone had pretty much finished and I was STILL cooking at my hash browns :( AND I DIDN'T EVEN GET TO EAT ONE HAHA. I think I saw a guy in my English class as well (I've never seen the front of his face so I only recognise his side LOL), coz his family came over and asked to use the stovey thing after us. I told them to go to the other one coz my one had been cooking my hash browns practically by solar power for over an hour =_____=
After lunch, we went down to the beach across the road and went for a swim and sandcastle building...and epic hole digging!

(little poser :D)
(that's me standing inside the hole...that's knee deep D:)
And today we went round to Cape Schanck with the asian clan
which wasn't that fun for me coz I'd already been last year for a Geography excursion...but look! the volcanic plug looks like he's got a person sitting on the left :D
SO that was my holiday...haha, I'll probably be going 1 or 2 more times this summer with FRIENDS =__= It's so difficult putting up with Annette on my case, following me and copying everything I want/do. So now I'm home with Gran while Mum and Dad are still over in Rye til New Years Eve...HOW AM I GONNA LIVE WITHOUT DECENT FOOD HAHA
Subway ftw...
(ps - I reckon Dad needs to get his legs fake tanned...or wear shorts more often)
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