Friday, November 28, 2008

school temporarily officially over (again)

VCE intro classes done :D So all I have left is the last day of school, which is generally pointless (assembly, yearbook and reports)

Music 3/4 sounds pretty good, I'm happy with the set works :D Summertime by Gershwin and Carmina Burana by Orff...definately have a listen to both, I'm sure you guys have heard of the 2nd one...I had no idea what it was til I heard it and it was like "OH, that song that's always in movies and ads..." haha

Printing out programmes for the xmas piano concert...oh boy, I sure hope I don't have to print 100 of these =/ stupid printer speed

I should totally price the programmes at $1 each, then give the money to charity :D

^ Cover :D



Amy said...

i looove the cover <3

Rachael said...

Loves the cover Soph!