Double viscomm was just a crazy rush of finishing folio work, making sure things were up to date and all - I redrew my finale sketches coz it was a piece of crap, printed out some so-called "inspiration" and glued in things that were falling out :)
Bought a homeless soccer charity shirt during lunch for $10 :D It's slightly (read: extremely) massive, but it's really comfy...yay for manshirts :)

I lol at Teigan - "'s not Tuesday today, it's Thursday!!"
Got our calculus topic test back in maths...83% :) which is my second best result all yeeeaaarr!! But methods exam is in a week and a bit, and I've forgotten EVERYTHING...omg, forreal =/ Everyone was on question 7 or 8 during revision and I spent 10 minutes on question
Got ALL out physics/chem/bio stuff back in last period, the physics teacher didn't even turn up?! She's so slack, I swear...grr, plus she marks really inconsistently =__= 85 on phys, 83 on's so retarded, I always do better on physics and I hate the damn subject...and chem is my favourite and I always do worst?! ahaha too bad I'm not doing bio coz it's always been my best, even with the "shhhhp" teacher
Am slightly screwed for the science exam, I have to go to the Art Walk opening on Tuesday night to get some art award...they make a big deal out of it, but it's just a shitty piece of paper in the end, and another award that I COULD have put on my KLD application but it's too late...blaahh, and I can't find Gossip Girl on youtube, so I have to download it...and if I miss Heroes tonight I suppose I'll download that too
man that is one cool shirt!
HI SOPHIE (= I BET YOU DIDNT KNOW I JUST READ YOUR BLOG.. well until now =[ I have Heroes if you want it xD
Oh Gossip Girl.
Watch after exams or you'll be TOTALLY ADDICTED.
*speaking from personal experience.
boo! sif those shirts are so cheap!
that's really the only reason i'm commenting... why couldn't i get one at bargain price!
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