Magnetic forces ftw :D
Yeah that was pretty much the most fun I had all day...amusing myself with a paperclip container. Worked at dad's place for 8 hours, and by *work* it's just babysitting the office and taking phonecalls/messages. Got less than 10 phone calls all day, including one from mum wanting to hear my phone voice, and one from Mark who decided to relieve my boredom riight at the end of my 8 hours (you NOOOOOOOB but I love you). Some kid got dared (I assume) to barge into the office and ask if he could buy a house...I asked if he had any money and he awkwardly went "it's just a joke, don't worry about it..." and barged out O.o Aside from that, I got quite a bit of revision done, I think I've completely finished revising circular functions haha =__= that's actually quite sad...but I'm really tired and got home after 5
And what am I doing now?
Working =__=
3 theory kids in one class today, not sure why one of the girls decided to crash the early class but she did...meh, its better for me :) $36 in an hour instead of 2 hours
I'm looking forward to sleeping in...siiiiigh
rahhh you thief lol
rahhh you thief lol
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