Friday, November 14, 2008


Music exam was pretty tough...didn't think it would be that hard, coz I pretty much aced last semester (except for 1 freaking %) and I figured I'd be alright this time too

But nooo, I almost got screwed over on question 1 LOL...but luckily all the written work was okay, it was just the aural!! DAMN AURAL!!!

Stuffed up last bar of rythmic dictation, and stuffed up random chords :( I can distinguish between major and minor, but everything else was just...zxjhkdsweoquealksdjaldjfnalkdjhlaskdfhjlsdkfhj

Well three down, four to go...

Methods however...I am so so SO screwed...uuuughhhhhh :( can't wait til all 2 and a half hours of it is OVER


1 comment:

Mark said...

uhuh, suuure you're screwed for meths... nerd... =]