We got one person who I swear has an average of 100%, another who gets leadership roles for everything, and another two who win awards left right and centre. I have...none of those things =__= It's not that I'm putting myself down or having low confidence in myself...it's just that the application asks for leadership roles that I have undertaken, and awards that I have won LOL
I HONESTLY CAN'T THINK OF ANYTHING!! So I get form captain every year, but then you have to list what the roles that position must undertake - which is practically nothing o.o
As for awards, they're all generic ones that everyone gets...and the ones that AREN'T generic are all related to music and art. I don't want my entire application to be full of music and art!! Because after that, I have to go on and say what my greatest achievement was and why (which is music related) then write a short bio for the selection panel to get to know me (which is probably also full of music and art).
Oh and going back to the generic awards (like UNSW competitions), it would be slightly more impressive if I had the intelligence to get a distinction or something...credit's are kinda like "well you weren't crap enough to get a participation...". The only thing that I'm proud of on my list of awards is the Academic Awards, except I didn't get one in 2006, so it looks inconsistent and it bugs me :P
Okay so it sounds like I'm whinging about this...I promise you I'm not being a complainer about this, coz I'm actually pretty proud of myself :) If only I was more of a balanced nerd, rather than a music/art nerd...
(ps - any suggestions on how to suckup to the selection panel without making up jizz and sounding like a...suckup o.o?)
Tell them you're famous on YouTube and are a talented video producer, director, actress and editor.
if i told them that, i would be lying :)
just for your 100 page views post a while back, I read your blog XD
I'm not exactly a regular on your blog, kind of just discovered it on your youtube channel, love your vlogging btw!
It's okay to tell them about your art and music accomplishments.
Not many can do the same as you.
you can say; that not only are you an academic nerd, you're a social one too ! (:
you interest yourself in other things apart from study from time to time, such as media work (youtube?) and art ..etc (:
and of course you have personality!:D ..lol, okay that would be a strange to actually say :X .. hahah
just like, yeah ... you're not just an academic nerd (maths/english/science) ..you have a range of talents; music, art, media ..etc and you're not some social outcast freak ....... you have friends :D YAY!
good luck (:
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