Yesterday, 9am
Woke up far too late, made breakfast, got the papers, stressed out about getting everything done before I left for the city
Caught the train with a bag full of stayingovernightcrap. Chucked my stayingovernightcrap out the train door to Min's grandpa so he could take it to Crown. Arrived at Fliders, spotted the Leah and Amanda (hard to miss the patches of fluoro) and headed off towards Melbourne Central so Min could go buy that gross purple hoodie (which she didn't buy coz it was $100, far too big and it was gross, as i said). Ended up playing pool in Barcode, as usual...
Fred and Benny arrived, and took a good guess that we were in Barcode :) Played another game and went off to Crown to collect our room key, stopping off at DFO on the way coz Min/Amanda wanted a new bikini...yeah, that failed haha
At Crown, waiting for the key to arrive...killing time by playing on Min's mum's iPhone, Amanda and Benny went off to get icecream for us, Erika disappeared with them (?) and the rest of us wasted time throwing Fred's stress ball at each other

Key arrives. ABOUT TIME OMG ALKJSDHLKJASDH!!! Went upstairs, dropped off all our junk and hung around in our room for a bit and left for the show...FINALLY!! *tears out hair*

Bathroom (I'm eating icecream haha)

Saved myself $4 by pretending to be c'mon, I'm only a month over :P Went in and it was FULLY crowded. Walked around watching people play those lame games, went on the Hangover ride with Erika, Min and Leah. 

So Erika and I are hanging upside down 100m in the air and she decides to say, "Imagine if these black security things suddenly broke!"....GOOD ONE, SHEESH. Hung on for dear life until I had two feet on the floor. Leah said the same thing to Min on the other side, and Min had the same reaction :) We got off the ride, Amanda and Benny got on...we waited, we froze and somehow, Fred ended up going ALL the way back to Crown to get us our jackets and pants and whatever else...DOUCHEBAG!! But thanks so much all the same, haha. Didn't do anything else after he left, just checked out the showbags. Got an Elmo showbag coz I wanted the little badges/phone thing/hat, and I gave the rest to my niece: bag, lunchbox, towel and notepad :)
Hardcore. I haz it.

+ Amanda picked up a $3 hammer that eventually deflated due to a hole...

Went back to Flinders, to Birrarung Marr to the massive ferris wheel for a bit of a wind-down...just Erika, Amanda, Benny and I this time. I swear, I could stay on that wheel and fall asleep, it's so relaxing and the breeze was just perfect. Tip for the guys - take your ladies there for a date ;)

Chinatown, eating dinner - same ol shiz, tofu rice :) but this time spicy. Amanda and I split it and she ended up feeling sick afterwards :(. Everyone goes off to the asiantoycatchingplace whilst Leah and I trek up to Melbourne Central to check the movie times. Leah went and gave money to a hobo and a offence to the hobos and buskers but - what the hell? Trekked back to the asiantoycatchingplace to tell the rest of the what time the movie was on, and bumped into the fobs from school on the way there. TOTALLY didn't recognise them, all dressed up and everything O.O"
HALFPIPE!! Watched The Mummy 3 WOO, it was awesome...the fact that it was late night movie in thehalfpipe :) The movie was good enough I suppose haha, Amanda and Benny went off to see Wall-E coz The Mummy ain't their thing.
Today, 12:00am
Dropped Leah off with her parents (they didn't let her stay), and then walked back to Crown like crazy drunk hobos. Erika picked up a coffee on the way, CRAZY GIRL. The others ended up back at Birrarung Marr and did whatever, Amanda and I decided to head back coz our legs hurt. Amanda showered, I soaked my feet in the bath, we played spit and just chilled around and talked...they went off to Galactice Circus til 2am and whaddaya know...when Amanda and I decide to leave the room, they decide to come back =__= so we ended up meeting them midway, and having a 2am snack of popcorn chicken :)
Fred kicked a piece of tambark that was on the carpet and started bleeding everywhere = not pretty. Started a game of uno with everyone. At this point, our brains are really sluggy, and the boys had to stay coz the last train left longggg ago haha. Fred and Benny played some random card game, Erika and Min played spit and Amanda and I stuffed ourselves into bed.
Amanda and I are the only ones left o_o The rest of them went for a latenight/earlymorning walk. Not sure what happened, but I gathered that Min took a nap on Fred for 2 hours (or they were making out, who knows) and Erika and Benny talked nonstop for 2 hours...and by this point, I'm guessing it's almost 6am LOL
Awoke for a second, checked the time and went back to sleep
Awoke for a second, checked the time and leapt out of bed coz we got a wake-up call that we couldn't work out how to turn off. Turns out it wasn't a wake up call, but someone was actually calling us to tell us that CHECK OUT WAS IN HALF AN HOUR!! We all go into a frenzy of "omgiwannagoforaswim!" and "omgneedtopackup!". Someone knocks on the door, Fred answers it and...he shouldn't have =___= we were all getting changed, and he was the only one left...the guy at the door was a friend of Min's mum...did a double take at the fact that Fred was not female and told Min's mum...Min receives an angry phone call regarding the fact that she told her mum that the boys left before the movie. I attempted reasoning with her mum, but her mum patiently told me to get Min back on the phone. After hanging up, we attempt to fill out the holes in her lies and hopefully she isn't grounded for life
I leave for home, the rest go to Chinatown or Melbourne Central. I get a phone call from Min's DAD who wanted to talk to her...obviously she wasn't with me, so I told him so =/ which must have pissed him off, because I heard him yell stuff as he was hanging up...I desperately hope that everything's gonna be okay D: If Min winds up at Erika's house tonight...uh oh
SO that was it for our crazy adventures (I think). I suppose it didn't turn out the way I expected, but it was fun anyhow. I'm seriously tired right now, my teeth hurt from the ortho's (gotta hold out for another 6 weeks of braces I hope...) and I'm too lazy to do anything. I told mum about the boys staying over because I had the whole guilty conscience thing happening...I can't keep anything from mum, I swear hahaha. I suppose I told her because I felt so lucky that she and Dad let me out overnight in the first's never gonna happen again, that's for sure :P
What have I learnt from this experience?
- I spend too much money on food
- I spend too much money on drinks
- An uneven number of people in a group is odd (odd meaning strange, not odd as in...stating the obvious)
- Make sure a female answers the door of a hotel when it's meant to be a girls night only
- Leah is turning into Min
- Rides and games at the show are a rip-off
- I sleep like a dead log
- I spend too much money on drinks...
- Never wear thongs for an entire day
- My own bed pwns a 5 stay hotel bed any day
1 comment:
why has it been causing debate?
yes i live in victoria o.o melbourne? i thought you knew...ya nobs
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