Saturday, September 13, 2008

happy, content and generally in a great mood :)

morning: had a huge/deep chat with erika for an hour and something...a good cleansing of the soul and setting things straight :) more for her than for me, but it makes me happy to see my friends get things off their chest...and its good to see her trying to be more open. especially since i blurt out everything in my heart to her and get nothing in return :P keep it up, i love you muchly :D (i re-read that, and it makes no sense to outsiders. which is good, seeing as i just realised my personal life is actually extremely complicated haha)

afternoon: lay under my tree again for an hour and a half with susan...missed you sooooo much girl!! the weather is too beautiful *lovelovelove*. had a great chat about everything in general...crazy stuff that's been happening in both our lives, the stuff that i talked about with erika, yeah....the usual light stuff you talk about :P nah, but i find it's really good to have friends outside of school. i sometimes wonder if there are people who don't have friends outside of would personally drive me insane :S there's only so much you can talk about with people who know everything you're gonna talk about (if that makes sense). like susan and i can exchange the latest drama that's been happening with our friends, and nothing would get in the way because we don't know each others' friends (if that...also makes sense)

okay yeah enough of what i'm trying to say is, talking about stuff > bottling it in...sometimes it has a shit effect (i learnt that the hard way), but other times its like organising a messy puzzle piece into something that will eventually be pieced together and hung on the wall to be admired


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