...What weirdos. It runs in the family :(
Afternoon, picked up Erika from the station, waited for Mark and trekked to the park to wait for Min...then ditched Min who was IN THE CITY and went to buy cupcake and cookie mix :D Made our adorable little cupcakes and our huge cookies without any disasters (yay for Erika's existence)

nommmmmm... (lol @ the bent cookie at the top...)
Played around in the park and everyone went off on their ways
I swear, Erika spent her entire day insulting Mark...goshhh o.o but that's how she rolls dude, don't take it too hard :) Mum wasn't happy with Fred being there, just coz he was uninvited and Min's boyfriend...haha :P Grandma says that Mark is very well mannered and "HE SPEAK CHINESE :O"
Susan and fam coming over soon WOOHOO haven't seen her since our tree time a few weeks ago...might edit onto this later if I'm not tired :)
Edit: Righto, so Susan came over and we had a massive dinner yummm...talked while watching "Make Me A Supermodel" and "Ghost Whisperers" (such shoddy shows =/) and yeah that's about it :) We decided on going out tomorrow but apparently I'm going to Rye with Annette tomorrow =__=
but of course i'm well mannerd =] i'm an upstanding young citizen in our crumbling society!
lol raunchy sex in the park all the way ;)
your mother looks young
and those cookies and chocolate look AMAZINGLY YUMMY
I love that way your pictures turn out! I just started watching your videos on youtube. What kind of camera do you use for photography?
~ Maggie (maggieeex3 on youtube)
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