Saturday, August 16, 2008


woah woah i don't know where to start...gonna put up a quick one now and do a massive one when i have the time, i have a physics test on monday and i have to work tomorrow, so i dunno when i'll find time

hair (you saw it here first)

party was amazing...too much to say, too many people to gonna start up a secret channel to put up random crap and a personal thanks

i love my friends a LOT



Cheryl said...

Wow Soph!
Looks great. (as expected)
Can't wait for your video tomorrow.
Lots of fun an excitement?

hahamysocks said...

your hair looks really good!!! =)

hahamysocks said...

oh and happy birthday sophie!

Garbo said...

Yay for secret channels!

On my 'KindaMissYau' channel, some people ACTUALLY get confused and thinks it's 2 different people hahaa.

The haircut is SOOOO cute Sophie!
It suits you and let's be honest, at the moment, LESS is MORE

Jason said...



Jon said...

OMG! The hair looks awesome!
was it weird getting it cut that short? XD