Tuesday, June 24, 2008

exam results part 2


when we got our maths back, i looked at mine and squeaked really high pitched for some reason O_o yes, that is me being excited COZ I GOT AN A & B+!!

tech free = 89%...i was one mark/percent off an A+ :( but i can't be picky haha
tech active = 78%, but technically its an A anyway, because the original test was out of 60, but the teacher decided to make it out of 58....and our percentages are still out of 60 if that makes sense so WHOOPAH whatever!!

science was an A+ i think, i lost 2 marks off physics, chem and multiple choice, and half a mark off bio....even though i hate bio and i feel like i suck at it haha, it was just lucky the exam was pretty much the same as our topic test

OK IM RAMBLING IN HAPPINESS/PROCRASTINATING.....yeah i'm trying to do maths homework again haha :) i've forgotten all my probability stuff since i haven't touched it for 3 weeks :(

OH OH ALSO!!! i started art today YAAAAAY. no more business and ethics *is in love* i havent had art for a year i reckon, and this semester's gonna be photography, oil painting, ceramics and stuff like that....all i have to look forward to is viscomm and i'm a happy girl :)

wanting to go to the combined orchestra performance tommorrow night so i gotta knuckle down and get everything done :D 

(ps: @ ken, my jap friend got 80something in her exam, but she had a harder one with random kanji everywhere O__o)

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