though my average is still something like 65% haha
i just finished summarising all my chem notes, thanks to my new boyfriend named microsoft word for mac. it looks so raddddd, with the note flagging, box ticking and collapsing menus eeee i am so in loveeee (click to enlarge. and absorb the beautiful detail of the notebook layout)

man my blogs are so boring...i always seem to be jabbering about school yeah? haha
well i'll keep jabbering. coz school is pretty much the only thing that happens to me, since its taking over my life and all :) shall be having a bit of a study/cram party session in the state library on the weekend with erika and min hhaha
ohhhh had my music unit 1 solo exam today D: it went pretty good, i was super happy with my revolutionary etude (compared the the autumn concert, ngghgnnn) but not so much the mozart hahaha, my fingers kinda decided to rearrange a few sections and i just had to barge on :( erika's viotti was beaaaauttiful as usual but i believe she would like to stab her accompanist. the one that is not me :)
here's something un school related (if you're still with me) OMG I CAN KINDA MOONWALK HAHA. i filmed it but i wont upload it cause its only 10 secondsish long, but lemme know if you wanna see it!! not that i can do it properly. and not that i can even do it in shoes haha, i tried today in my volleys and i just stuck to the floor :( i WILL be good at it one day. and be good at all the shiz mark can do.
1 comment:
woahhhh thats pretty cool! i just made this stupid book for all the chapters x.x '' ..i think it took more than like 20 page ): ): ): ...and LOL thankyouuu! I WAS WONDERING WHAT "PREFIXES" meant on my checklist thing ..cos i couldn't find it in my text book!! :D now i knowww pwahha :D
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