Sunday, May 4, 2008

style & thoughts on it

so i pulled out a dress that my piano teacher gave me last year...never got round to actually wearing it so i think ima wear it for k&m's wedding :)

it looks weird hanging there haha. will probably get photos on the day :) but it generally got me thinking on how people study time :D :D

min - cares about appearance the most...but when the time comes to actually put effort into looking good, she may not know what the heck to do haha
erika - always looks nice on a daily basis, when the time comes to put some more effort in, she probably effortlessly knows what to do, no worries :)
myself - can't be stuffed putting in daily effort to look good, but when the time comes i'll pull out the big guns and put in a lot of effort

and for some reason, out differences balance each other out and we fit together really well as friends :D plus, the style of the other 3 friends in our group is fun to pick at too, and balance each other out as well :) 

amanda - always cool and cuteee (overalls!) bgirl-ish, I WANT HER NIKE AIRS!! they match her hair :D
irene - the only one who i've seen wears heels out, looks elegant/classy and doesn't look like she's in any pain...HOW DOES SHE DO IT
leah - ..........random. enough said :P

school people reading this - you know who i'm talking about ;) other people - familiarise yourself with these names :D


1 comment:

Hannah said...

Wow! Your piano teacher gave you a dress? She's nice...and random! I wish I had a piano teacher like yours!