its saaaturdayyy its saaaturdaaay *dances* no plans for todayyyyy which is beyond awesome just cause i have nothing to do :D :D well actually i have stacks of homework but pshhhhh

i got bored last night, french whited my nails...omg its so hard to paint the right hand with an unco left hand O_O looks like i dipped my nails in whiteout or something hahaaa, but i was just testing some looks for an upcoming wedding on saturday :) i have a blue/grey dress i wanna wear but it probably gonna be so freaking cold...it would look tacky with the same colour nails so if the french white lasts a week without chipping off i'll keep it :) looks better from far away haha.
that ugly plushie cake i made (in this post) is for the soon-to-be married couple...ugh, i still need to finish decorating that this weekend...how dyou think it would look with a rose on top? i'm thinking white, but i only have gold right now...and it needs to be bigger i reckon

EPIC FAIL =________________________=
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